Convention of angles

First choose which convention of angle to use when defining the main wave direction, qmain. You have two options:

·         Scientific / BW

·         Meteorological


Figure 28.10    Definition of the two types of wave angle conventions

The Scientific / BW convention relates the wave direction to the general (or global) x-axis of your MIKE 21 BW model and express the direction the waves are going towards. This is shown to the left in Figure 28.10.

The Meteorological convention relates the wave direction to North and express the wave direction as ‘coming from’ in a clockwise direction relative to North. Waves travelling from North to South have therefore a direction of 0 degrees. This is shown to the right in Figure 28.10.
Note that when choosing the meteorological convention you have to define the grid orientation of the MIKE 21 BW model as well.

Conversion between conventions