
The Branches property page  contains parameters defining the river branches and their connections in the river model.


Please note that it is not possible to create new branches within this page. If new river branches are to be included in the model then it is required to shift to the Graphical view and digitize a new river branch in the graphical View. The creation of a river branch in the Graphical View automatically inserts a new line in the present Branches page.

Also note that it is not possible to adjust the chainages for the upstream and downstream point of the river branch in this page! These chainages are being ported to the Branches page from the Points page where chainages for digiti­zation points belonging to specific river branches are defined. Therefore, it is strongly recommended in order for the user to control the exact length of a river branch to define - in the Points property page - at least the first and the last points in a river branch as ‘User-Defined’ points such that an exact chain­age can be defined at the upstream and downstream points of a river branch respectively. With this, you will be certain that MIKE 11 uses exactly a river branch length as you defined it should be!


Property page parameters are described below: