Spatial attributes

On this tab you are to specify the XYZ coordinates of full set of the vessel-fixed spatial attributes for the vessel in question:

·         Fairleads

·         Winches

·         Chains

'Vessel origo at' will determine the reference point on the vessel with respect to which the XY values are to be provided. The Z coordinates are to be pro­vided positive upwards from the keel of the vessel for fairleads and winches, whereas the Z coordinate for chains are with respect to the water line.

The XYZ data for fairleads, winches and chains can be inserted record-by-record, but can also be imported from an (.xyz) file, where the following delimiter choices are supported: space, comma and tab.

If importing from an (.xyz) file to populate chain data, a special rule applies, as the (.xyz) file must contain a total of 6 columns, giving data to the six fields: X (from), Y (from), Z (from), X (to), Y (to) and Z (to) - 'from' meaning start point of the chain, and 'to' meaning end point of the chain.

For a chain you must furthermore choose a value for Horizontal force, as well as selecting a previously declared chain material profile, among the full set of earlier declared chain profiles, to be associated with the spatial chain.

The symbol orientation for fairlead and winch can be controlled by the value for ‘Symbol orient’ (0° in the ship coordinate system by default). This symbol orientation has no computational impact, it is only for making the illustration more realistic.