Boundary Conditions

Boundary conditions are a pre-requisite for solving the generally applied flow and transport equations in river modelling applications.

Boundary conditions are as a minimum required at all ‘open end’ locations in the river network. That is, locations where the river branch does not have any upstream or downstream connected river branches as illustrated in Figure 11.1.


Figure 11.1        River network with ‘Open end’ boundary locations (black circles)

In addition to the open end boundary locations, it is possible to specify a large number of other type of boundary conditions,’ including:

·         Internal boundary conditions (e.g. point or distributed sources)

·         Global boundary definitions (e.g. wind field, Resistance factors etc.)

·         Closed boundaries

Boundary conditions are defined as a combination of boundary location infor­mation and information about the parameter values to be assigned at the specific boundary. Boundary values are generally defined in a timeseries file which is then associated with the specific boundary.

The Boundary conditions dialogue includes the following pages for defining river specific boundary data:

·         Standard boundaries

·         Wind friction

·         Groundwater leakage

·         MIKE SHE Couplings