The MIKE SHE can be used to simulate all of the processes in the land phase of the hydrologic cycle, including overland flow, channel flow, groundwater flow in the unsaturated zone and saturated groundwater flow. MODFLOW, on the other hand, is restricted to simulating flow only in the saturated groundwa­ter zone. Although many of the processes simulated in MIKE SHE are used in a similar way when simulating groundwater flow with MODFLOW, they are not actually “simulated” by MODFLOW.

Let’s take groundwater recharge as an example. MODFLOW allows you to include recharge as an upper boundary condition to the groundwater model, where recharge is defined as the amount of water reaching the groundwater table after accounting for evapotranspiration, surface runoff and changing storage in the unsaturated zone. In MODFLOW, the modeller has to account for these processes herself - usually by applying a constant rule-of-thumb fraction to the measured precipitation data. In most cases, the model results are very sensitive to this fraction and since the modeller has little data on this fraction, she will assume an initial value and use this parameter as a calibra­tion parameter. Thus, she will adjust the amount of recharge during the cali­bration process until the measured groundwater levels match the calculated values.

However, the fraction of precipitation reaching the groundwater table is con­stant in neither space nor time. The actual amount of precipitation reaching the groundwater table depends strongly on the maximum rate of infiltration, which is a characteristic of the soil and will vary spatially over the model domain. Further, since the maximum rate occurs when the soil is saturated, different amounts of water will infiltrate during wet periods compared to dry periods. To complicate matters further, the length of the preceding dry period will determine the amount of available storage in the unsaturated zone. For example, if there has been a long dry summer period, then evapotranspira­tion may have created a large deficit of water in the unsaturated zone that must be satisfied before any water reaches the water table.

This example shows that infiltration of precipitation is a very dynamic pro­cess. It depends on a complex interaction between precipitation, unsaturated zone soil properties and the current soil moisture content, as well as vegeta­tion properties.    

In MIKE SHE, the saturated zone is only one component of an integrated groundwater/surface water model. The saturated zone interacts with all of the other components - overland flow, unsaturated flow, channel flow, and evapo­transpiration.

In comparison, MODFLOW only simulates the saturated flow. All of the other components are either ignored (e.g. overland flow) or are simple boundary conditions for the saturated zone (e.g. evapotranspiration).

On the other hand, there are very few difference between the MIKE SHE Sat­urated Zone numerical engine and MODFLOW. In fact, they share the same PCG solver. The differences that are present are limited to differences in the discretisation and to some differences in the way boundary conditions are defined.

Setting up the saturated zone hydraulic model involves defining the:

·         the geological model,

·         the vertical numerical discretisation,

·         the initial conditions, and

·         the boundary conditions.

In the MIKE SHE GUI, the geological model and the vertical discretisation are essentially independent, while the initial conditions are defined as a property of the numerical layer. Similarly, subsurface boundary conditions are defined based on the numerical layers, while surface boundary conditions such as wells, drains and rivers (using MIKE Hydro River) are defined independently of the subsurface numerical layers.

The use of grid independent geology and boundary conditions provides a great deal of flexibility in the development of the saturated zone model. Thus the same geological model and many of the boundary conditions can be re-used for different model discretisation and different model areas.