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GridInterpolator Methods

The GridInterpolator type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGeo2Jk
Convert coordinates from projection easting-northing coordinates to fractional indices in the source grid. The fractional indices can be used directly in the Interpolate(Single, Double, Double, Single) method.

For a 3 x 2 element/cell based grid, (j,k) is in the range [0;3] x [0;2].

For a 3 x 2 node based grid, (j,k) is in the range [0;2] x [0;1].

Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInterpolate
Interpolate in the source array at relative/fractional index (jRel,kRel), using the undefinedValue as an undefined value/delete value that is not taken into account when interpolating.
Public methodIsInside
Check if fractional index is inside grid.
Public methodProj2Jk
Convert coordinates from projection easting-northing coordinates to fractional indices in the source grid. The fractional indices can be used directly in the Interpolate(Single, Double, Double, Single) method.

For a 3 x 2 element/cell based grid, (j,k) is in the range [0;3] x [0;2].

For a 3 x 2 node based grid, (j,k) is in the range [0;2] x [0;1].

Public methodSetupReprojection(Cartography)
Enable reprojection, i.e. conversion from a target coordinate system to the coordinate system of the grid.

The returned Reprojector object can be used for specifying datum shift parameters. The Reprojector is set up using the grid projection as the source projection and the projection provided in this method as the target projection. It must always have the convertion type Geo2Geo handling datum shifts only.

Public methodSetupReprojection(Reprojector, Cartography)
Enable reprojection, i.e. conversion from a target coordinate system to the coordinate system of the grid.

The Reprojector object is used for datum shift conversions only. The Reprojector must be set up using the grid projection as the source projection and the projection provided in this method as the target projection. It must always have the convertion type Geo2Geo, i.e. handling datum shifts only.

Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodXy2Jk
Convert coordinates from local grid x-y coordinates to fractional indices in the source grid. The fractional indices can be used directly in the Interpolate(Single, Double, Double, Single) method.

For a 3 x 2 element/cell based grid, (j,k) is in the range [0;3] x [0;2].

For a 3 x 2 node based grid, (j,k) is in the range [0;2] x [0;1].

See Also