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ProjectionTranslatorConvertWkt2Proj4 Method
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Public methodStatic memberConvertWkt2Proj4(String)
Function that converts a map projection string in WKT (PRJ) format to PROJ.4 format.
Public methodStatic memberConvertWkt2Proj4(String, Double)
Function that converts a map projection string in WKT (PRJ) format to PROJ.4 format.

Optional datum shift parameters to wgs84 datum (going to WGS84) can be provided, but you can also specify datumShiftParameters as null.

Datum shift parameter must be specified in order and unit as defined in the Proj.4 projection string:

Rx - rotation X, 
Ry - rotation Y, 
Rz - rotation Z, 
M_BF - Scaling.
The three translation parameters are in meters. The rotational parameters are in seconds of arc. The scaling is the scale change in parts per million. In case of a 3 parameter conversion, only the 3 translation parameters needs to be specified.

See Also