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DHI.Mike1D.Generic.Graph Namespace

Public classDepthFirstSearch
Class for performing a depth first search on a graph.

It returns a number of properties of the graph

Public classCode exampleDijkstra
Class for calculating distances from a vertex/node to any other vertex/node in the graph, using the Dijstra algorithm.

Before calling Start, you must initialize the algorithm by calling either Initialize(Int32), or Initialize followed by at least one call to SetSource(Int32, Double).

The algorithm uses a binary heap as priority queue, hence the running time of the Dijkstra algorithm is O((E+V)*log(V))

Public classEdge
Edge in graph, from StartVertex to EndVertex
Public classGraph
Base implementation of the IGraph interface, using the Vertex class for all its vertices
Public classGraphException
An exception specific to the graph algorithms
Public classGraphExtensions
Extension methods related to a graph
Public classRCM

Calculates a Reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering for a graph. This minimizes the bandwidth of a (sparse) symmetric matrix representation of the graph.

Public classTopologicalSort
Class performing a topological sort of a directed acyclic graph.

A topological sort is a linear ordering of the vertices such that if the graph contains and edge from u to v (v "depends on" u), then u appears before v in the ordering.

If the graph is cyclic, the sort procedure fails with an GraphException.

Public classVertex
Vertex/node in a graph
Public interfaceIEdge
An edge connects two vertices. It can have a weight associated.

An edge is also sometimes called a link.

The two vertices is specified by their index into the list of vertices in the graph.

Public interfaceIGraph
Interface for a generic graph.

The graph interfaces provide what the graph algorithms as a minimum requires in order to do their processing.

Public interfaceIVertex
A vertex is a junction in the graph, often also called a node.