DHI.Mike1D.BoundaryModule Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AbstractBoundaryItem |
Many common tasks for an IBoundaryItem are handled by the AbstractBoundaryItem.
It handles:
| |
AbstractLocationSourceBoundary |
Class containing common code for locations for a source,
which can contain as well a point locations as a node locations.
It also handles the individual scalefactor that each location
can have.
| |
AbstractSourceBoundary |
Many common tasks for an IBoundarySource are handled by the AbstractSourceBoundary.
All MIKE 1D boundary sources extent from this. Current subclasses include
The AbstractSourceBoundary has a list of boundary items, Items | |
BoundaryData |
The BoundaryData class is the main entrance to boundary data access.
It handles boundary conditions and sources.
| |
BoundaryDataXmlBridge |
Bridge for saving and reading boundary data to/from xml.
This will only store the boundary data component. | |
BoundaryExtensions |
Utility class, containing extension methods for classes
in the BoundaryModule namespace
| |
BoundaryItemConstant |
Constant boundary item implementation.
| |
BoundaryItemDDoubleGetter |
A boundary item that retrieves its value through a delegate
of the type DDoubleTimeGetter. Inherits AbstractBoundaryItem
supporting scalefactor, application interval and soft start.
| |
BoundaryItemHDADMultiply |
A boundary item consisting of two boundary items that
are multiplied together
This boundary item is used by MIKE 11 load, setup as HD inflow + AD concentration, where the HD inflow is ignored, but the AD is included, effectively modelling a load type of AD boundary. | |
BoundaryItemPeriodicMonthly |
A boundary item with constant values in each month
| |
BoundaryItemQH |
QH boundary item. Access to a QH table. Gets the water level via a DDoubleGetter
| |
BoundaryItemRRResult |
Rainfall runoff boundary item.
| |
BoundaryItemTimeSeries |
Time series boundary item. Generel access to time series items, defined
by a full path name, and an item number.
| |
BoundaryItemTimeSeriesBase |
Time series boundary item. Generel access to one time series item.
This is a base class for other time series classes, handling the time and values of a time series, time interpolation etc. | |
BoundarySourceComponent |
Boundary source for a component, containing either a concentration type
source, a load type source, or a specific quantity.
The component sources are used by other than inflow boundaries, as e.g. a wind having a direction and a velocity component. These special types of component sources may require the components in a special order. They are identified by their Quantity value. The connection to the AD components is defined by the ComponentId value. If that is null or empty, it is not an AD component. | |
BoundarySourceComponentUnitConverter |
Class for unit conversion of component boundary values
| |
CatchmentComponentSourceBoundary |
A special kind of boundary, only used when AD module is enabled, which provides
component concentrations for catchment inflows.
| |
CatchmentGriddedWeights |
For a catchment, specifying which cells of a grid that is inside this catchment,
and for each cell specifying the weight for calculating the average cell contribution.
| |
CatchmentSourceBoundaries |
Class implementing a list of ICatchmentSourceBoundary's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
CatchmentSourceBoundary |
Catchment source boundary. All catchments are identified by
a catchment ID, string.
| |
DistributedSourceBoundaries |
Class implementing a list of IDistributedSourceBoundary's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
DistributedSourceBoundary |
A distributed source is a source that is applied on a part of the network.
It can be a combination of LocationSpans and Links.
TODO: Check whether the links are necessary or whether they are just
a simpel version of a LocationSpan.
| |
GlobalGeoLocatedSource |
A global source that has a geographical position associated with it.
A global source can have several geo-located sources, and the closest geo-located source can be used. | |
GlobalSourceBoundaries |
Class implementing a list of IGlobalSourceBoundary's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
GlobalSourceBoundary |
A global source that contributes to the entire network
A GeoPoint can be provided, and more than one source of
the same type is then valid. The closest source should then
be used.
| |
GriddedSource |
A gridded source is specifying a 2D grid of source values.
| |
GriddedWeight |
Cell weight, indices and weight value
| |
ListIBoundaryItems |
Class implementing a list of IBoundaryItem's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
OpenSourceBoundaries |
Class implementing a list of IOpenSourceBoundary's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
OpenSourceBoundary |
An open source boundary is at the boundary of the network,
(compared to a point source boundary which can be situated
anywhere in the network)
| |
PointSourceBoundaries |
Class implementing a list of IPointSourceBoundary's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
PointSourceBoundary |
A source located at a specific point in the network.
A PointSourceBoundary is always an inflow (a forcing).
| |
QhRelation |
QH relation
| |
StructureSourceBoundary |
Structure source boundary. All catchments are identified by
a structure ID which is a string.
If StructureSourceBoundaryType is StructureSourceBoundaryTypes.DamBreak, then
the boundary contains three components: 1) Breach level, 2) Breach width, and 3) Breach slope
Interface | Description | |
IAbstractLocationSourceBoundary |
Interface for an AbstractLocationSourceBoundary. Adding interfaces
for point and node locations.
To be extended.
| |
IAdvancedBoundaryItem |
An advanced boundary item adds functionality for scale factor, soft start (gradual start-up)
and application interval to the standard IBoundaryItem | |
IBoundaryAdaptive |
Interface handling adaptive time step evaluation. Implemented by
as well boundary items as boundary sources
| |
IBoundaryData |
This is the interface for the BoundaryData class
Note: Needed for COM interop only - do not use from .Net
| |
IBoundaryItem |
A general BoundaryItem interface.
AbstractBoundaryItem provides a general implementation
of IBoundaryItem.
| |
IBoundaryItemConstant |
Interface for a constant boundary item
| |
IBoundarySource |
Base interface for all BoundarySources
| |
IBoundaryValueModifier |
Generic interface for modifying boundary values on the fly.
| |
ICatchmentSourceBoundaries |
Interface for a list of ICatchmentSourceBoundary's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
ICatchmentSourceBoundary |
Interface for a CatchmentSourceBoundary. Interfaces
for Cathcment ID and scalefactors.
| |
IDistributedSourceBoundaries |
Interface for a list of IDistributedSourceBoundary's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
IDistributedSourceBoundary |
Interface for a DistributedSourceBoundary
| |
IGlobalSourceBoundaries |
Interface for a list of IGlobalSourceBoundary's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
IGlobalSourceBoundary |
Interface for a GlobalSourceBoundary.
A global source boundary consist of a number of items that are geographically located, stored in the GeoLocatedSources list. If there is only one global item, it must be the first one, and then the GeoLocatedSources needs not have a geo-point, GeoPoint, and UseGeoLocatedSources must return false. If UseGeoLocatedSources returns false, the first item in the GeoLocatedSources is used. To get the value at a given location, it is up to the user/engine whether to take the closest geo-located item, to interpolate in them or do something else. You can define a number of items that overrides the global value at certain areas in the network, these are stored in the DistributedOverrides list, that each are an IDistributedSourceBoundary. | |
IListIBoundaryItems |
Interface for a list of IBoundaryItem's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
IOpenSourceBoundaries |
Interface for a list of IOpenSourceBoundary's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
IOpenSourceBoundary |
Interface to a OpenSourceBoundary
Note: Needed for COM interop only - do not use from .Net
| |
IPointSourceBoundaries |
Interface for a list of IPointSourceBoundary's
Required for generic list COM interop
| |
IPointSourceBoundary |
Interface to a PointSourceBoundary
| |
IStructureSourceBoundary |
Interface for a StructureSourceBoundary. Interfaces
for Strucure location.
Enumeration | Description | |
AbstractSourceBoundaryDataMissing |
Enum defining if source is missing data within simulation period,
see ValidateItemsInSimTime(IListIBoundaryItems, DateTime, DateTime, DateTime) | |
BoundaryItemTypes |
Currently supported boundary item types.
Each has its own class implementing its functionality.
| |
BoundarySourceComponentType |
For Component sources, specifies which type of source it is
| |
BoundarySourceTypes |
Types of Boundary sources
| |
CatchmentSourceBoundaryTypes |
Type of Catchmentsource boundary
| |
DistributedSourceBoundaryTypes |
Type of distributed source inflow
| |
GlobalSourceBoundaryTypes |
Type of global source boundaries.
| |
OpenSourceBoundaryTypes |
Types of opensource boundaries
| |
PointSourceBoundaryInflowTypes |
Type of inflow. Used to limit the total inflow of a specific type.
| |
SoftstartTypes |
Types of softstart
| |
StructureSourceBoundaryTypes |
Type of Catchmentsource boundary
| |
TypeOfDistribution |
Defines how a distributed source distributes its source value.