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ICatchmentTimeAreaData Interface

Time Area data interface.

The time area rainfall runoff model is also called "Urban A"

Interface for time area catchment model inherits from ICatchmentUrbanData interface.

This interface contains data and parameters for setting up a catchment model, and represents as such only setup data. Computational variables and methods are not included in this interface. It can be used to explore data and parameters required when setting up the catchment model.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule (in DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule.dll) Version: (
public interface ICatchmentTimeAreaData : ICatchmentUrbanData, 

The ICatchmentTimeAreaData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdditionalFlow
Additional constant flow added to the total runoff Unit: [m3/s] Default: 0
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyAllowTimeStepJump
Flag specifying if it is allowed or not to advance the time during dry period. Default: true, default true from MU, default false from M11
Public propertyArea
Total area of catchment
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyCatchmentGeometry
Geometry of the catchment. This is a list of coordinates defining a closed polygon as the extent of the catchment.
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyCatchmentName
Catchment name

The name is not unique, there may be several catchment models for one catchment, however all catchments with the same name should/must share the same catchment geometry.

(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyCenterPoint
The central point of the catchment. Used for e.g. finding the rain time series closest to this catchment.
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyConcentrationTime
Concentration time used to defined the number of cells of this catchment. Unit: [s]
Public propertyEndTime
End time of catchment simulation - the latest time for which the catchment can return data
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyEvaporationFromTimeSeries
True if evaporation is enabled, and an evaporation boundary has been defined.

If set to false the initial recover rate is used during dry periods. Default: False

(Inherited from ICatchmentUrbanData.)
Public propertyGlobalDryDepthLimit
Dry depth used for switching Horton's mode between dry and wet in Kinematic Wave model: when InfiltrationAfterRain == true In this case the switching to regeneration of infiltration capacity is controlled by a low limit of the water depth on the surface. (from ini file) Unit: [m] Default: 1e-6
(Inherited from ICatchmentUrbanData.)
Public propertyImperviousArea
Impervious area is a factor which defines the part of the catchment considered to contribute to the runoff. Unit: [-]
Public propertyInfiltrationAfterRain
True if infiltration shall occur also after rain Default: True
(Inherited from ICatchmentUrbanData.)
Public propertyInitialLossMax
Maximum value of initial loss magasin depth Unit: [m]
Public propertyInitialLossRecoveryRate
Recovery rate for initial loss capacity. The initial loss capacity is regenerated in dry periods by a linear recovery rate.

Used as constant evaporation, when evaporation is not defined explicitly. If evaporation is defined explicitly (see EvaporationFromTimeSeries), this is neglected.

For some catchment models it is only applied under dry conditions.

Unit: [m/s] Default: 0.00005 [m/hour]

(Inherited from ICatchmentUrbanData.)
Public propertyMethod
The Time Area method to be used.
Public propertyModelId
Catchment model ID. Unique id.
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyName Obsolete.
Catchment model ID. Unique id.
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyObservedData
Observed data. Used for creating calibration plots and for auto-calibration reference data.
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyPersons
Number of person equivalent in the catchment, used with catchment discharge source boundary
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyReductionFactor
Hydrological reduction coeeficient. The runoff reduction factor, accounts for water losses caused by e.g evapo-transpiration, imperfect imperviousness, etc. on the contributing area. Unit: [-]
Public propertySnowMeltCoefficient
Snow melt coefficient. Note: the snow melt coefficient is not in SI unit, because the temperature is assumed to be in degres Celcius. Unit: [m/degCelcius/s]
(Inherited from ICatchmentUrbanData.)
Public propertyStartTime
Start time of catchment simulation - the earliest time for which the catchment can return data
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyStormWaterLIDs
StormWater LIDs connected to catchment
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyTimeAreaCoefficient
Time Area curve coefficient, used by TA function
Public propertyTimeAreaCurve
Time area curve, user defined, must be specified in case TimeAreaCurveType is UserDefined.

The curve is dimensionless, time (X) values between 0 and 1 and area (Y) values between 0 and 1.

Public propertyTimeAreaCurveType
Time area curve type.

If set to UserDefined, the actual curve must be specified in the TimeAreaCurve table. All other values indicate predefined curves.

Public propertyTimeStep
Time step used during the simulation by the catchment model
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyUseHotStartFile
Flag telling if initial conditions is taken from a hotstart file Default: false
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyUseSnowModule
True if the snow module is activated. If True, a temperature time series has to be provided for the catchment.
(Inherited from ICatchmentUrbanData.)
See Also