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CrossSectionMiddling Properties

The CrossSectionMiddling type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplyCoordinates
Not implemented
Public propertyBaseCrossSection
Base cross section. The base cross section has no location and holds data in depth, not in water level.
Public propertyCoordinates
Not implemented
Public propertyDHI_ID
An ID that may be used by ArcGIS, for unikely identifying this cross section. No cross sections must share the same DHI_ID. A value of -1 means that the value is not set.
Public propertyHeight
Height of the cross section
Public propertyInfo
Generel info on this cross section, user specified, can be empty. In Mike11 XNS editor called cross section ID (though it does not identify the cross section)
Public propertyInterpolated
Not implemented
Public propertyIsOpen
Not implemented
Public propertyLocation
Defines the location of the current cross section. The Z-coordinate is the bottom level of the cross section (unless defined by the raw data (the open cross sections)).
Public propertyMaximumWidth
Maximum width of the cross section
Public propertyMinWaterDepth
Minimum water depth of the cross section This can be negative
Public propertyOwner
The cross section collection that this cross section belongs to. Used for sending events whenever this cross section updates its state.
Public propertyResistanceFactorProportionality
A proportionality factor that is multiplied with the resistance factor. ResistanceFactorProportionality is used by the resistance factor boundaries to adjust the resistance factor. Default value: 1.0
Public propertyResistanceFormulation
The ResistanceFormulation that is used for this crossSection.
Public propertyTopoID
The TopoID set that this cross section belongs to. TODO: See where for details?
Public propertyZMax
The maximum value of Z in the cross section.
Public propertyZMin
The minimum value of Z in the cross section (bottom level)
See Also