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TsTimeGetInterval Method

Overload List
Public methodGetInterval(Double, Double)

Finds the interval in the time vector where the argument lays in between.

If argument is below the first value, 0 is returned. If argument is above last value, the length of the vector is returned.

The result is the interval number, one based, meaning that the arg fullfills:

(vector[res-1] < arg && arg <= vector[res])

Also the scale factor for interpolating is returned. For linear interpolation

arg = vector[res-1] + fraction*(vector[res]-vector[res-1])
arg = (1-fraction)*vector[res-1] + fraction*vector[res]

If arg exists in vector, the result is such that

arg = vector[res]
i.e., fraction is one (except when arg = vector[0], then res = 1 and fraction = 0).

Public methodGetInterval(Double, Double, Int32)
Same as GetInterval(Double, Double), apart from that the lastInterval is searched first. This is an optimized version when successive calls returns interval that are nearby.
See Also