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MPI Class

Class for utilizing MPI functionality.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DHI.MPI
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine (in DHI.Mike1D.Engine.dll) Version: (
public class MPI

The MPI type exposes the following members.

Public methodMPI
Initializes a new instance of the MPI class
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberInitialize(Int32)
Public methodStatic memberInitialize(Int32, Int32)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Abort
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Allgather(Double, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Allgather(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Allgatherv(Double, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Allgatherv(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Allreduce(Double, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Allreduce(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Alltoall(Double, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Alltoall(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Alltoallv(Double, Int32, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Alltoallv(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Alltoallw(Double, Int32, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Alltoallw(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Barrier
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Bcast(Double, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Bcast(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Comm_c2f
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Comm_compare
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Comm_rank
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Comm_size
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Errhandler_create
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Errhandler_free
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Errhandler_get
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Errhandler_set
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Error_class
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Error_string
Retrieves the errort string corresponding to the given MPI error code.
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Exscan(Double, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Exscan(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Finalize
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Finalized
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Gather(Double, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Gather(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Gatherv(Double, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Gatherv(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Get_count
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Get_processor_name
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Init(String, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Init(String, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Init_thread
Initializes the MPI library with thread support. This operation subsumes MPI_Init(Int32, Byte**). See [!:MPI.Environment(ref string[], MPI.Threading)].
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Initialized
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Is_thread_main(Int32)
Determine whether the calling thread is the main MPI thread (that called MPI_Init(Int32, Byte**) or MPI_Init_thread(Int32, Byte**, Int32, Int32). See [!:MPI.Environment.IsMainThread].
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Is_thread_main(Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Op_create
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Op_free
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Query_thread(Int32)
Determine the level of threading support provided by the MPI library.
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Query_thread(Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Recv(Double, Int32, Int32, Int32, MPIMPI_Status, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Recv(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, MPIMPI_Status, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Reduce(Double, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Reduce(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Reduce_scatter(Double, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Reduce_scatter(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Scan(Double, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Scan(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Scatter(Double, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Scatter(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Scatterv(Double, Int32, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Scatterv(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Send(Double, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Send(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Sendrecv(Double, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32, MPIMPI_Status, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Sendrecv(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, MPIMPI_Status, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberMPI_Test_cancelled
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ANY_SOURCE
Predefined value for the "source" parameter to MPI receive or probe operations, which indicates that a message from any process may be matched.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ANY_TAG
Predefined value for the "tag" parameter to MPI receive or probe operations, which indicates that a message with any tag may be matched.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_BAND
Compute the bitwise AND via an MPI reduction operation.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_BOR
Compute the bitwise OR via an MPI reduction operation.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_BXOR
Compute the bitwise exclusive OR via an MPI reduction operation.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_BYTE
A single byte. This is equivalent to the byte type in C# and the System.Byte type in .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_CHAR
A single character. There is no equivalent to this type in C# or .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_COMM_NULL
Predefined communicator representing "no communicator".
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_COMM_SELF
Predefined communicator containing only the calling process.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_COMM_WORLD
Predefined communicator containing all of the MPI processes.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_DATATYPE_NULL
A special datatype value that indicates "no datatype".
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_DOUBLE
A double-precision floating-point value. The equivalent is double in C# and System.Double in .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_ACCESS
Error class indicating that permission was denied when accessing a file.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_AMODE
Error class indicating that the amode argument passed to MPI_File_open is invalid.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_ARG
Error class indicating an invalid argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_ASSERT
Error class indicating an invalid assert argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_BAD_FILE
Error class indicating an invalid file name.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_BASE
Error class indicating an invalid base argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_BUFFER
Error class indicating an invalid buffer pointer.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_COMM
Error class indicating an invalid communicator.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_CONVERSION
Error class indicating that an error occurred in a user-supplied data conversion function.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_COUNT
Error class indicating an invalid count argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_DIMS
Error class indicating an invalid dimension argument (for cartesian communicators).
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_DISP
Error class indicating an invalid displacement argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_DUP_DATAREP
Error class indicating that conversion functions could not be registered because a conversion function has already been registered for this data representation identifier.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_FILE
Error class indicating an invalid file handle argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_FILE_EXISTS
Error class indicating that the file already exists.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_FILE_IN_USE
Error class indicating that the file is already in use.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_GROUP
Error class indicating an invalid group argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_IN_STATUS
Error class indicating that the actual error code is in the status argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_INFO
Error class indicating an invalid info argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_INFO_KEY
Error class indicating an invalid info key.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_INFO_NOKEY
Error class indicating that the requested info key is not defined.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_INFO_VALUE
Error class indicating an invalid info value.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_INTERN
Error class indicating that an internal error occurred in the MPI implementation.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_IO
Error class indicating an I/O error.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_KEYVAL
Error class indicating an invalid attribute key.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_LASTCODE
The last valid error code for a predefined error class.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_LOCKTYPE
Error class indicating an invalid locktype argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_NAME
Error class indicating that an attempt has been made to look up a service name that has not been published.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_NO_MEM
Error class indicating that no memory is available when trying to allocate memory with MPI_Alloc_mem.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_NO_SPACE
Error class indicating that there is not enough space for the file.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE
Error class indicating that no such file exists.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_NOT_SAME
Error class indicating that a collective argument is not the same on all processes, or collective routines were called in a different order.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_OP
Error class indicating an invalid operation argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_OTHER
Error class indicating an error that is know, but not described by other MPI error classes.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_PENDING
Error class indicating that a request is still pending.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_PORT
Error class indicating that a named port does not exist or has been closed.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_QUOTA
Error class indicating that the user's quota has been exceeded.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_RANK
Error class indicating an invalid rank.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_READ_ONLY
Error class indicating that the file is read-only.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_REQUEST
Error class indicating an invalid request argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_RMA_CONFLICT
Error class indicating that there were conflicting accesses within a window.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC
Error class indicating that RMA calls were incorrectly synchronized.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_ROOT
Error class indicating an invalid root.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_SERVICE
Error class indicating that an attempt to unpublish a service name that has already been unpublished or never was published.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_SIZE
Error class indicating an invalid size argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_SPAWN
Error class indicating that an attempt to spawn a process has failed.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_TAG
Error class indicating an invalid tag argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_TOPOLOGY
Error class indicating an invalid topology for a communicator argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_TRUNCATE
Error class indicating that a message was truncated on receive.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_TYPE
Error class indicating an invalid data type argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_UNKNOWN
Error class indicating that an unkown error occurred.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DATAREP
Error class indicating that an unsupported data representation was passed to MPI_FILE_SET_VIEW.
Error class indicating that an operation is unsupported.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERR_WIN
Error class indicating an invalid window argument.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERRHANDLER_NULL
Predefined error handler that represents "no" error handler.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL
Predefined error handler that indicates that the MPI program should be terminated if an error occurs. This is the default error handler in the low-level MPI, which is overridden by MPI.NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_ERRORS_RETURN
Predefined error handler that indicates that the MPI routine that detected an error should return an error code. MPI.NET uses this error handler to translate MPI errors into program exceptions.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_FLOAT
A single-precision floating-point value. The equivalent is float in C# and System.Single in .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_INT
A signed integer. This is equivalent to the int type in C# and System.Int32 in .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_LAND
Compute the logical AND via an MPI reduction operation.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_LONG
A long signed integer. There is no equivalent in C# or .NET, because the 64-bit integer in C# and .NET is mapped to MPI_LONG_LONG_INT.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_LONG_DOUBLE
An extended-precision floating-point value. There is no equivalent in C# or .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_LONG_LONG
A long long signed integer. The equivalent is long in C# and System.Int64 in .NET. This is a synonym for MPI_LONG_LONG_INT.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_LONG_LONG_INT
A long long signed integer. The equivalent is long in C# and System.Int64 in .NET. This is a synonym for MPI_LONG_LONG.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_LOR
Compute the logical OR via an MPI reduction operation.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_LXOR
Compute the logical exclusive OR via an MPI reduction operation. There is no high-level operation corresponding to this predefined MPI reduction.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_MAX
Compute the maximum value via an MPI reduction operation.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING
The maximum number of characters that can occur in an error string returned from MPI_Error_string(Int32, Byte, Int32).
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME
The maximum length of the string returned by MPI_Get_processor_name(Byte, Int32).
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_MAXLOC
Compute the maximum value and location of that value via an MPI reduction operation. There is no high-level operation corresponding to this predefined MPI reduction.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_MIN
Compute the minimum value via an MPI reduction operation.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_MINLOC
Compute the minimum value and location of that value via an MPI reduction operation. There is no high-level operation corresponding to this predefined MPI reduction.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_NO_OP
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_OP_NULL
Placeholder operation that indicates "no operation".
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_PACKED
A special data type used to indicate data that has been packed with [!:MPI_Pack]. This type is only used by the lowest-level MPI operations.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_PROD
Compute the product via an MPI reduction operation.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_REPLACE
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_SHORT
A signed short integer. This is equivalent to the short type in C# and System.Int16 in .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_SIGNED_CHAR
A single, signed character. This is equivalent to the sbyte type in C# and the System.SByte type in .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_SUCCESS
Error value indicating no error.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_SUM
Compute the sum via an MPI reduction operation.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_THREAD_FUNNELED
Indicates that the MPI program is multi-threaded, but all MPI operations will be called from the main thread. See [!:Threading.Funneled].
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE
Indicates that the MPI program is multi-threaded, and any thread can call into MPI at any time. See [!:Threading.Multiple].
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED
Indicates that the MPI program is multi-threaded, but only one thread will call into MPI at any given time. See [!:Threading.Serialized].
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_THREAD_SINGLE
Indicates that the MPI program is single-threaded. See [!:Threading.Single].
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_UNSIGNED
An unsigned integer. This is equivalent to the uint type in C# and System.UInt32 in .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR
A single, unsigned character. There is no equivalent to this type in C# or .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_UNSIGNED_LONG
A long unsigned integer. There is no equivalent in C# or .NET, because the 64-bit unsigned integer in C# and .NET is mapped to MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG
A long long unsigned integer. The equivalent is ulong in C# and System.UInt64 in .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT
An unsigned short integer. This is equivalent to the ushort type in C# and System.UInt16 in .NET.
Public fieldStatic memberMPI_WCHAR
A single, wide character. The equivalent is char in C# and System.Char in .NET.
Public fieldStatic membermpidll
Public fieldStatic membernprocesses
Number of processes involved.
Public fieldStatic memberprovidedThreadLevel
Provided thread level.
Public fieldStatic memberrank
Rank of this process.
See Also