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Res1DNetworkHFilter Methods

The Res1DNetworkHFilter type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddGlobalReachValue(String, T)
Add a value defined for an entire reach. This will fail if there is already defined values at locations or in spans of this reach. After successfull addition, values at locations or in spans can not be added.
(Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Public methodAddGlobalReachValue(String, Boolean)
Add reach to filter, short of AddGlobalReachValue(String, T) with value All (true) or None (false)
(Inherited from Res1DNetworkFilter.)
Public methodAddValue(String, T)
Add a value for the node identified by nodeId
(Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Public methodAddValue(String, Boolean)
Add node to filter
(Inherited from Res1DNetworkFilter.)
Public methodAddValue(ILocation, T)
Add a value on the given location.
(Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Public methodAddValue(ILocation, Boolean)
Add location to filter
(Inherited from Res1DNetworkFilter.)
Public methodAddValue(ILocationSpan, T)
Add a value defined within the given span. This corresponds to adding the value at the start and end location of the span.
(Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Protected methodCheckGridpointType
Method that may further limit the grid points to accept. To be overridden in
(Overrides Res1DNetworkFilterCheckGridpointType(IRes1DGridPoint).)
Public methodClear
Delete all localized values
(Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Public methodContainsValue
Check if a local value is specified at the location. Returns false if no value is defined for the location.

If more than one value is to be retrieved for the same reach, use the GetReachData(String) first and use that one (for performance).

(Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetGlobalValue(T)
Get global value. Returns false if no global value is defined.
(Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Public methodGetGlobalValue(String, T)
Get value for the specified id. Returns false if no value is defined for the node id.
(Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetReachData (Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue(String, T)
Get value for the specified node. Returns false if no value is defined for the node id.
(Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Public methodGetValue(ILocation, T)
Get value for the specified location. Returns false if no value is defined for the location.

If more than one value is to be retrieved for the same reach, use the GetReachData(String) first and use that one to get the values (for performance).

(Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Public methodGetValues
Get value at the given locations. The locations must have same Location.ID and be ordred in the list by increasing chainages.
(Inherited from NetworkDataT.)
Public methodIsIncluded(IRes1DCatchment)
Returns true if the catchment is included by the filter
(Inherited from Res1DNetworkFilter.)
Public methodIsIncluded(IRes1DNode)
Returns true if the node is included by the filter
(Inherited from Res1DNetworkFilter.)
Public methodIsIncluded(IRes1DReach)
Returns true if the entire reach is included by the filter
(Inherited from Res1DNetworkFilter.)
Public methodIsIncluded(IRes1DReach, IRes1DGridPoint)
Returns true if the gridpoint is included by the filter
(Overrides Res1DNetworkFilterIsIncluded(IRes1DReach, IRes1DGridPoint).)
Public methodIsIncludedGlobal
Returns true if the global quantity is included by the filter
(Inherited from Res1DNetworkFilter.)
Protected methodIsReachIncluded
Check if reach is included.
(Overrides Res1DNetworkFilterIsReachIncluded(String).)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetValueRes1DSpatialFilterTypeEnum(ILocation)Overloaded.
Get a value from the networkData at the given location. If no value is found at location, the global value is used. If no global value is defined, an exception is thrown.
(Defined by GenericExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueRes1DSpatialFilterTypeEnum(ILocation, Res1DSpatialFilterTypeEnum)Overloaded.
Get a value from the networkData at the given location. If no value is found at location, the global value is used. If no global value is defined, the default value is returned.
(Defined by GenericExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodPointValuesRes1DSpatialFilterTypeEnum
Gives an iterator that iterates over all point values in the network value set.

It will iterate first over all the nodes, and then over all the reaches and its locations.

(Defined by AbstractNetworkDataExtensions.)
See Also