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EngineTime Properties

The EngineTime type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdaptiveTimeSteppingActivated
Indicates whether adaptive time stepping is activated. Used to decide whether the state should be stored before a time step.
Public propertyCheckPoints
Check point controller, handling check points in time that must be hit by the EngineTime.
Public propertyDDt
Time step inverse - 1/Dt Unit: [1/sec]
Public propertyDt
Time step Unit: [sec]. Rounded to nearest millisecond
Public propertyDtSpan
Time step Unit: [sec]. Rounded to nearest millisecond
Public propertyEngineTimeStep
The IEngineTimeStep does the actual calculation of the new time step
Public propertyNumberOfTimeSteps
Number of time steps performed.
Public propertyNumberOfTriedTimeSteps
Total number of time steps tried, also those failing.
Public propertyNumberOfTriesForTimeStep
Counts the number of time steps tried for the current time step
Public propertyTimeN
Time at time step n
Public propertyTimeNp1
Time at time step n+1
Public propertyTimeNph
Time at time step n + ½
See Also