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CatchmentCombined Fields

The CatchmentCombined type exposes the following members.

Protected field_additionalFlow
Additional constant flow added to the total runoff Unit: [m3/s] Default: 0
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_additionalFlowOld
Additional constant flow at start of time step
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_area
Total area of catchment. Type: Catchment area. Unit: [m2]. Default: 1e8 (100 km2).
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_boundarySourceEvaporation
Evaporation boundary source
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_boundarySourceRainfall
Rainfall boundary source
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_boundarySourceTemperature
Temperature boundary source
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_effectiveTimeStep
Time step used in the simulation, it may change. It is set in Prepare to _timeStep, and can be updated by individual catchment models when required, i.e. it may differ from _timeStep.
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_endTime
Protected end time of catchment data - the latest time for which the catchment can return data
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_maximumFlow
Maximum flow
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_minimumFlow
Minimum flow
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_minTime
Proteced MinTime
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_offers
List of datatypes offered in GetValue
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_runtimeDiagnostics
Diagnostics instance for a Catchment. Used during runtime.
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_startTime
Protected start time of catchment data - the earliest time for which the catchment can return data
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_stateVariables
State variables in catchment
(Inherited from CatchmentState.)
Protected field_stormwaterLIDs
List of Lids
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_timeNew
Variable holding information on the latest calulated time
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_timeOfLastUpdate
Last time the state of this catchment was updated (Update(DateTime) was called)
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_timeOfMaximumFlow
Time of maximum flow
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_timeOfMinimumFlow
Time of minimum flow
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_timeOld
Variable holding information on the latest calulated time
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_timeStep
Time step used in the simulation, or initial time step if the time step can change.
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_timeUpdateFraction
Fraction of time between prev time and current time for the last call to Update(DateTime). This should be updated everytime _timeOfLastUpdate is updated.
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_totalAdditionalInflowVolume
Total volume of additional inflow
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_totalLossVolume
Total volume of loss
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_totalRainfallVolume
Total volume of rain
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_totalRunoffVolume
Total volume of runoff
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_tsBuffer
TSBuffer to use when accessing time series objects Set in Catchments.Add(). If not set, then the inheritors must create a TSBuffer before using it.
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_useHotStartFile
Flag telling if initial conditions is taken from a hotstart file Default: false
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected field_yearlyRunoff
Dictionary of runoff as a function of year
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public fieldScaleByArea
Flag specifying whether the AreaFactor of a sub catchment is an area (in m^2) or a relative scaling factor.

When true, the AreaFactor is interpreted as the area of the sub catchment within the combined catchment. The discharge of the sub catchment will be scaled with the area of the sub catchment to get discharge per area, and then multiplied with the area stored in the AreaFactor.

When false, the AreaFactor is interpreted as a scaling factor of the discharge from each of the sub catchment. A value of one means that the entire discharge from the sub catchment is used in the combined catchment.

Public fieldSubCatchmentNames
Subcatchment by names. The dictionary contains the name of the subcatchment and a contributing area factor, which is the fraction of the total area that the subcatchment runoff contributes to this combined catchment.
See Also