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VegetativeSwale Class

Vegetative Swales are waterways or depressed areas with sloping sides covered with grass and other vegetation. They slow down the conveyance of collected runoff and allow it more time to infiltrate to inherent soil beneath it.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule.LID
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule (in DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule.dll) Version: (
public class VegetativeSwale : LIDBase, 
	IStormwaterLID, IStormwaterLIDSurface

The VegetativeSwale type exposes the following members.

Public methodVegetativeSwale
Initializes a new instance of the VegetativeSwale class
Public propertyArea
Area covered by LID. Accumulated for all LID units handled by this instance.

This is the area used for rain and evaporation, i.e. if set to 0.5 times the catchment area, then half of the rain falls on the catchment and half of the rain on the LIDs directly.

The sum of all Area for all LIDs within a single catchment must be less than the area of the catchment they belong to.

For some LIDs (e.g. rain barrel), this area is zero.

(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public propertyFlowStat
Flow statistics and mass balance
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public propertyFractionOfLIDFlowToRoute
Fraction of runoff flow from the LIDs that are routed by the catchment. The remainder will be added directly to the catchment runoff (not routed).

The different catchment types may treat this differently.

Default value: 1. Unit: [fraction]

(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public propertyInitialSaturation
Initial saturation fraction.

For storage, this fraction is used to calculate the initial storage depth.

Default value: 0. Unit: [fraction].

(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public propertyName
Name/Id of LID
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public propertyNumberOfUnits
Number of LID units handled by this LID instance
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public propertyReportPath
Path and name for report file.

If null or empty, no report file is created.

Use only for testing and validating model - file can become quite big.

(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public propertyRunoff (Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public propertySoilInfiltrationCapacity
Infiltration capacity to surrounding soil
Public propertySurface
Surface parameters
Public propertySurfaceDepressionStorageHeight
Height of surface depressions. Below this height runoff (routing) does not take place.

This height must be less than StorageHeight

Default value: 0. Unit: [m].

Public propertySurfaceSideSlope
Swale side slope (run over rise). A zero means vertical sides

Note that this is a run-over-rise, i.e. an "inverse slope". The rise is the surface storage height (StorageHeight) and is always non-zero. A zero SurfaceSideSlope will model vertical walls (zero run).

The slope must be small enough for the sides not to cover the entire width of the swale. There must be a least 25 cm of flat bottom, and the slope will be corrected accordingly.

Public propertyTotalCollectingArea
Total collecting area is the area from which water is routed through the LIDS, either because rain is falling directly on the LIDs (Area) or when catchment rain (after losses) is routed to the LIDs.

This area is used by the catchment to figure out how much water should be routed to the LIDs, effectively splitting the catchment area in 3 parts:

catchment-No-LID-Area       = ICatchment.Area - sum(IStormwaterLID.TotalCollectingArea)
catchment-Route-To-LID-Area = sum(IStormwaterLID.TotalCollectingArea - IStormwaterLID.Area)
LID-area                    = sum(IStormwaterLID.Area)
The sum of all 3 contributions is the area of the catchment.

The TotalCollectingArea cannot be smaller than Area.

The sum of all TotalCollectingArea for all LIDs within a single catchment must be less than the area of the catchment they belong to.

(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public propertyWidth
Width of a single unit

Used for routing calculations

(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public methodAddInflow
Add inflow (run-on from catchment to LID)
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public methodApplyBoundary(ICatchmentSourceBoundary)
Apply a boundary to this catchment
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public methodApplyBoundary(GlobalSourceBoundaryTypes, GlobalGeoLocatedSource)
Apply a boundary to this catchment
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFinish
Finish simulations
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Protected methodGetEvapRates
Computes evaporation rate from layer.
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitialize (Inherited from LIDBase.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPerformTimeStep
Take time step
Public methodPrepare
Prepare LID
(Overrides LIDBasePrepare(RRParameters, DateTime, DateTime, IDiagnostics).)
Protected methodPrepareForNewReportFile(IDiagnostics)
Check report file directory and delete existing file, if present.
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Public methodPrepareForTimeStep
Take time step
Public methodSwaleDepth
Get depth water in swale for a given volume
Public methodSwaleVolume
Volume and surface area of swale for current water depth.
Public methodSwaleVolume(Double)
Volume and surface area of swale for specified water depth.
Public methodSwaleVolume(Double)
Volume and surface area of swale for current water depth.
Public methodSwaleVolume(Double, Double)
Volume and surface area of swale for specified water depth.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodValidate
Validate LID ///
Protected field_boundarySourceEvaporation
Boundary for evaporation
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Protected field_boundarySourceRainfall
Boundary for rainfall
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Protected field_evapPot
Potential evaporation rate [m/s], from boundary
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Protected field_flowStat
Flow statistics and mass balance
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Protected field_inflow
Inflow [m3/s]
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Protected field_initialSaturation
Initial saturation fraction.

For storage, this fraction is used to calculate the initial storage depth.

Default value: 0. Unit: [fraction].

(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Protected field_reportPath
Path and name for report file.

If null or empty, no report file is created.

Use only for testing and validating model - file can become quite big.

(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Protected field_reportWriter
Result file writer
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Protected field_runoff
Runoff from LID [m3/s]
(Inherited from LIDBase.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodSetSoilMoisture
Set soil/pavement moisture of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a soil/pavement layer, an exception is thrown

(Defined by LIDExtension.)
Public Extension MethodSetStorageDepth
Set storage depth of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a storage layer, an exception is thrown

(Defined by LIDExtension.)
Public Extension MethodSetSurfaceDepth
Set surface depth of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a surface layer, an exception is thrown

(Defined by LIDExtension.)
Public Extension MethodSoilMoisture
Get soil/pavement moisture of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a soil/pavement layer, an exception is thrown

(Defined by LIDExtension.)
Public Extension MethodStorageDepth
Get storage depth of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a storage layer, an exception is thrown

(Defined by LIDExtension.)
Public Extension MethodSurfaceDepth
Get surface depth of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a surface layer, an exception is thrown

(Defined by LIDExtension.)
See Also