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RainfallRunoffData Class

Access to catchment data
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule (in DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule.dll) Version: (
public class RainfallRunoffData : AbstractDataAccess

The RainfallRunoffData type exposes the following members.

Public methodRainfallRunoffData
Public propertyCatchments
Get collection of catchments
Public propertyConnection
Holder of read/write information
(Inherited from AbstractDataAccess.)
Public propertyCustomTypes
List of custom types stored in the data object and that must be serialized.

A custom type is e.g. a user implemented structure or catchment model. In order to store information on the custom type in the .m1dx file, the system needs to know which custom types are being used, and they must be added to this list.

(Inherited from AbstractDataAccess.)
Public propertyExtensionData
Holds data from an extended DataContract
(Inherited from AbstractDataAccess.)
Public propertyParameters
Set default parameters for all catchments
Public propertyRuntimeDiagnostics
Set the runtime diagnostics. Errors and warnings are added to the runtime diagnostics during rum time.
Public propertyTimeStepMultiplier
For Mike 11 setups, rainfall runoff models use a time step multiplier relative to the HD module time step
Public propertyWriteRRStatFileFlag
If true, then a RRStat.txt file is created with a summary of rainfall runoff data for all catchments. The RRStat.txt file is only created if a stand-alone RR simulation is performed.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodFinish
Finish simulation. Calls finish on all cathcments that require finalization.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitialize(IBoundaryData, IDiagnostics)
Initialize rainfall runoff models
Public methodInitialize(IBoundaryData, ADComponentData, IDiagnostics)
Initialize rainfall runoff models
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPrepare
Prepare rainfall runoff models
Public methodReleaseLicense
Release all RR licenses
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodValidate
Validates the object
Public methodWriteRRStatFile
Write RR stat file
Protected field_connection
Protected holder of read/write info
(Inherited from AbstractDataAccess.)
Public fieldStatic memberDateFormatString
String for formatting Date's
Public fieldStatic memberDateTimeFormatString
String for formatting DateTime's
Public fieldLCRV
Internal method
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodFind(String)Overloaded.
Find the catchment with the given model ID. Returns null if not found.
(Defined by RRExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFind(String, IQuantity)Overloaded.
Find the first catchment with the given name and offering quantity. Returns null if none found.
(Defined by RRExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFindAll(String)Overloaded.
Get a catchment via its name. Returns null if no catchment has this name.
(Defined by RRExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFindAll(String, IQuantity)Overloaded.
Find all catchments with the specified name, and offering the specified quantity. Returns null if none found.
(Defined by RRExtensions.)
See Also