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CatchmentNamAdditional Class

Class containing additional parameters for CatchmentNam. These parameters are not used for the calculation, but are used to calculate parameters for the catchment
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule (in DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule.dll) Version: (
public class CatchmentNamAdditional

The CatchmentNamAdditional type exposes the following members.

Public methodCatchmentNamAdditional
Default constructor, setting default values.
Public propertyDryTemperatureLapseRate
Variable hoding the dry temperature lapse rate. Type: Temperature lapse rate, Unit: [celcius/100 meter], Default: -0.6.
Public propertyLevelForReferencePrecipitation
Variable holding the elevation of the reference precipitation station. Type: Elevation, Unit: [meter], Default: 0.0.
Public propertyLevelForReferenceTemperature
Varable holding the elevation for the reference temperature station. Type: elevation, Unit: [meter], Default: 0.0.
Public propertyPrecipitationCorrectionRate
Variable holding the precipitation correction for the different snow zones. Type: Precipitation Correction, Unit: [%/100m], Default: 2.
Public propertyWetTemperatureLapseRate
Variable holding the wet temperature lapse rate. Type: Temperature lapse rate, Unit: [celcius/100 meter], Default: -0.4.
Public methodCalculatePrecipitationCorrections
Calculates and updates the precipitation correction values for each snow zone, from the PrecipitationCorrectionRate and LevelForReferencePrecipitation.

The ZoneElevation must be defined. It updates the ZonePrecipitationCorrection

Public methodCalculateTemperatureCorrections
Calculates and updates the wet and dry temperature correction values for each snow zone, from the WetTemperatureLapseRate, DryTemperatureLapseRate and LevelForReferenceTemperature.

The ZoneElevation must be defined. It updates the ZoneDryTemperatureCorrection and the ZoneWetTemperatureCorrection.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also