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ICatchmentKinematicWaveSurfaceData Properties

The ICatchmentKinematicWaveSurfaceData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAreaFraction
Area fraction of surface type. Unit: [-].
Public propertyHortonDryExponent
Time constant for dry period (inverse Horton's equation). Unit: [1/s]. Only applicable for the Pervious surfaces.
Public propertyHortonEndInfiltrationRate
Infiltration rate at end. Unit: [m/s]. Only applicable for the Pervious surfaces.
Public propertyHortonStartInfiltrationRate
Infiltration rate at start. Unit: [m/s]. Only applicable for the Pervious surfaces.
Public propertyHortonWetExponent
Time constant for wet period (horton's exponent). Unit: [1/s]. Only applicable for the Pervious surfaces.
Public propertyManningM
Manning M number.

Default: depending on the surface type.

Unit: [m^(2/3)/s].

Public propertyStorageCapacity
Storage capacity. Unit: [m]. Not applicable to ImperviousSteep.
Public propertyWettingCapacity
Wetting capacity. Unit: [m].
See Also