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EcoLabDebugger Class

ECO Lab debugger,
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine.ModuleEcoLab
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine (in DHI.Mike1D.Engine.dll) Version: (
public class EcoLabDebugger : EcoLabDebuggerBase, 

The EcoLabDebugger type exposes the following members.

Public methodEcoLabDebugger
Initializes a new instance of the EcoLabDebugger class
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFlushFile
Flush to file
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHandleGeneral
Handle a general set of messages, created during prepare and finalization of simulation
Public methodInitialize
Initialize debugger
Protected methodIsDebugging
Returns true if debug info is enabled.
(Inherited from EcoLabDebuggerBase.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPostCalculateGridPoint
Method called after grid point has been processed

msgs can be null

Public methodPostCalculateNode
Method called after node has been processed

msgs can be null

Public methodPostInitTimestep
Handle post-init-timestep messages, called once for every ECO Lab instance for every time step but only if there are messages to report.
Public methodPreCalculateGridPoint
Method called before grid point is being processed
Public methodPreCalculateNode
Method called before node is being processed
Public methodPreInitTimestep
Start or stop debugging of the current time step, based on the Start and End times
Protected methodReadDebugLevel
Read current debug level
(Inherited from EcoLabDebuggerBase.)
Protected methodStartDebugging
Start creating debugging output from ECO Lab
(Overrides EcoLabDebuggerBaseStartDebugging.)
Protected methodStopDebugging
Stop creating debugging output from ECO Lab
(Inherited from EcoLabDebuggerBase.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected field_currentDebugLevel
Current debug level
(Inherited from EcoLabDebuggerBase.)
Protected field_isInitialized
True if debugger has been initialized
Protected field_writer
Writer to write debug info to
Public fieldDebugLevel
ECO Lab debug level. Zero is no debug info, and 6 is full debug info.
(Inherited from EcoLabDebuggerBase.)
Public fieldEnd
End time of debugging
Public fieldFilePath
File to write debug messages to
Public fieldStart
Start time of debugging
See Also