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IEngineNetDataItemTGetDataReachDefinition Method

Get data definition for the data at the specified reach.

Returns an index-list, being indices of gridpoints that data belong to. In this case the elementSet is not required and may be null.

If data does not belong to grid points, the returned index-list must be null, and the elementSet must be used to describe the extent of each value in the reach.

If data belongs to all grid points in the reach, i.e. the number of values matches the number of grid points in the reach, both the returned index-list and the elementSet can be null.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine.ModuleData
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine (in DHI.Mike1D.Engine.dll) Version: (
int[] GetDataReachDefinition(
	EngineReach reach,
	out IElementSetDefinition elementSet


Type: DHI.Mike1D.EngineEngineReach
Type: DHI.Mike1D.GenericIElementSetDefinition

Return Value

Type: Int32
See Also