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XSPolygon Methods

The XSPolygon type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdjustProcessedLevels(Double)
Adjust the processed levels. Used to ensure that _processedLevels[0] has a certain value
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodAdjustProcessedLevelSpecs
Adjust the processed level specification.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodBottomLevelFromCenter
Return the bottom level of the cross section at a distance dx from the center of the cross section. Throws an exception if dx is larger than half the cross section width.
(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodCalculateProcessedData
Calculate processed data
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodCalculateProcessedDataIfNeeded
Calculate the processed levels, storage areas, radii, etc, ie, fill in all ProcessedXXX properties if they are not up to date. Also called by getters for these properties if needed, so usually, this method doesn't have to be called explicitly.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodCheckProcessedData
Validates that this cross sections is set up correctly.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodClearOriginalProcessedData
Clear any stored processed data arrays
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodClearZones
clear section from vegetation and dead water, setting all zone info to Normal
(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodClone
ICloneable implementation. deep clone, including owner
(Overrides XSBaseClone.)
Protected methodConvertModifiedResistanceFactorsIfNecessary
Converts the modified resistance data to another formulation. Returns false if the conversion could be performed. Note: so far only few conversions are supported: - from Manningsn to ManningsM;
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodConvertRelativeResistanceMultiZones
Converts the ProcessedResistanceFactors according to a multizone set of absolute resistance values. Each input factor is applied between each level seperator, the first factor from -infinity to the first level, the second factor from the first level to the second level, and the last factor from the last level to infinity, i.e., the levelSeperators defines where one factor takes over from the previous. The factors array must be one longer than the levelSeperators array. The relative resistance factor is taken into account also. Results are stored in the ModifiedResistanceFactors and those are used in the calculation.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodCopyValuesToOther
Copy the values of this cross section to another cross section
(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodCreateAllProcessedArrays
Creates all processed data arrays with the given number of levels.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAdditionalSurfaceArea
Additional storage area is a volume that the mass equation takes into account, but it does not influence the momentum equation. It could be a small pond next to the river that is filled/emptied as the water level in the river raises/falss.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetArea
Return the cross sectional geometric area, for index and fraction into the processed data.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetAreaByIntegratingWidths
Return the cross sectional geometric area, integrating the storage widths
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetCriticalDepth(Double)
Gets the Critical depth for a given discharge - [m3/s] The critical depth is the depth where the flow changes from supercritical to subcritical flow.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetCriticalDepth(Double, Double, Double)
Gets the Critical depth for a given discharge - [m3/s] The critical depth is the depth where the flow changes from supercritical to subcritical flow. MU version
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetCriticalDischarge
Gets the Critical discharge for a given water level The critical discharge is the discharge where the flow changes from supercritical to subcritical flow.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetFlowArea
Return the cross sectional flow area, for index and fraction into the processed data. This can be the total areas or the effective flow area hence the area does not necessarily correspond to the amount of water in the system (volume)
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetFlowAreaDerivative
Get storagewidth as dA/dh from neighboring values in processed XS areas at waterLevel.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHydraulicRadius
Returns the hydraulic radius for index and fraction into the processed data
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetHydraulicRadiusDerivative
Get the derivate of the hydraulic radius for index and fraction into the processed data.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetLocalVelocity
Calculates a local velocity for a given x along the cross sectional profile. The result must be divided by GetLocalVelocityFactor().

The calculation is based on a parallel canal analysis, and if integrated up, matches the total discharge through the cross section.

(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodGetLocalVelocityFactor
Calculate a local velocity factor for the provided water depth. This factor is used when calculating a transversally distributed flow velocity.
(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodGetLocalVelocityFactorFromIntegral
Calculates the local velocity factor for use in GetLocalVelocity(Double, Double, Double).

The method is seperated from the GetLocalVelocity(Double, Double, Double) method, since this can be an expensive method (integrating over the entire cross section), to be called once, and the result used many times by the GetLocalVelocity(Double, Double, Double) method.

(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodGetMarkerIndex
Return index of a marker
(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodGetMarkerSequence
Returns a sequence of markers and their indices.
(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodGetMarkersOfPoint
For a given cross section point (at some index), return all markers on that point.
(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodGetMaximumValues
Set maximum area, maximum hydraulic radius and maximum storage width.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetNaturalDepth
Get the natural depth at a given discharge and slope
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetResistanceFactor
Returns the resistance factor.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetResistanceFactorsDerivative
Get the derivative of the resistance factor at the given water level
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetStorageWidth
Returns the width from left bank to right bank for index and fraction into the processed data
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVolumeFromAdditionalSurfaceArea
Return the integrated additional surface area from the bottom of the top slot to waterLevel
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodInheritProcessedDataFrom
Makes all processed data arrays point to the same arrays as in the other. (reference copy, not value copy)
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodInitialize
Calculate processed data if needed
(Overrides XSBaseRawInitialize.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPrepare
Ensures that the resistance fomulation is not relative. If the resistance fomulation is Mannings n it is changed to Mannings M and the data are changed accordingly if the resistance formulation is Darcy Weisbach formulation and data are changed to Chezy.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodProcessedLevel
Get the processed level at the given index. Works regardless of the _equidistantLevels flag, i.e., also when ProcessedLevels are not present. Index must be between 0 and NumberOfProcessedLevels-1 otherwise it will fail or give incorrect results
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodRestoreModifiedResistanceFactors
if Multiply... or Convert... or similar was called earlier, reset the modified resistance factors to the original processed resistance factors
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodRestoreOriginalProcessedData
Restores any stored processed data arrays previously stored.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodSaveOriginalProcessedData
Store the current processed data arrays (shallow copy). If a set of original processed data already exists, the original set is kept and not overwritten.

Updating the ProcessedLevels will still update the original processed data, unless new processed data has been provided, i.e. by using CreateAllProcessedArrays(Int32) or SetAllProcessedValues(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double), due to the shallow copy.

The original processed data arrays are kept when setting new processed data, using e.g. SetAllProcessedValues(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodSetAllProcessedValues
set all the processed data (references to the member array). All values are in SI.
(Inherited from XSBase.)
Public methodSetMarkerAt
Set a particular marker to a given 0-BASED index (within the list of points), or remove it (call with -1). If any other point had this marker before, it gets removed from that point. Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if list of points is empty or index is invalid.
(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateMarkersToDefaults
clears the indicated existing markers and sets them to their default x location. (LeftLeveeBank: smallest x, RightLeveeBank: largest x, LowestPoint: x with the smallest z). Doesn't do anything for Circular, Rectangular.
(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodUpdatePointMarkerString
Update the MarkerString for all cross section points with a marker. Used by the GUI.
(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodUpdatePointResistance
Update the resistance values in the Points in case the ResistanceDistribution is Uniform or Zones
(Inherited from XSBaseRaw.)
Public methodValidate
Validates that this cross sections is set up correctly.
(Overrides XSBaseRawValidate.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetConveyance
Get the conveyance at the specified processed level
(Defined by CrossSectionExtensions.)
See Also