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Constants Class

Constants used throughout Mike1D
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic (in DHI.Mike1D.Generic.dll) Version: (
public static class Constants

The Constants type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberDOUBLE_DELETE_VALUE
Value used as delete value for data values that has not been set
Public fieldStatic memberg
Gravity Unit: [m^2/s] Value: 9.81
Public fieldStatic memberLOCATION_EQUAL_TOLERANCE
Tolerance used when comparing coordinate points
Public fieldStatic memberMIN_DIVIDER
The smallest number that is allowed as divisor. Unit: [] Value: 1e-15
Public fieldStatic memberPFS_DELETE_VALUE
Value used as delete value when writing/reading PFS files from Mike1D
Public fieldStatic membersqrt_g
Square root of gravity Unit: [m/sqrt(s)] Value: Sqrt(9.81)
Public fieldStatic memberSTRING_DELETE_VALUE
Value used as delete value for values that hasn't been set
Public fieldStatic memberZERO_TOLERANCE
Value used to determine wheather a number is to be treated as a zero. Value is 1e-13.
See Also