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SteepestDescent Fields

The SteepestDescent type exposes the following members.

Public fieldDirectionSmoothing
Smoothing of search direction, such that the previous direction is used partly in the current search.
Public fieldIterations
Stored iteration values. Only used when StoreIterations is set.
Public fieldMaxFunctionEval
Maximum number of function evaluations
Public fieldMaxIter
Maximum number of iterations
Public fieldNumFunctionEval
Hold the number of function evaluations for the last solve.
Public fieldNumIter
Hold the actual number of iterations for the last solve.
Public fieldRelativeDx
The relative change in x to use when calculating gradient numerically.
Public fieldStoreIterations
Flag indicating whether iteration vaues should be stored in Iterations
Public fieldTolG
Stop criteria. When the steepest descent vector (2-norm) is smaller than TolG, the iteration stops.
Public fieldTolX
Stop criteria. When the step-length/change in x (2-norm) is smaller than TolX, the iteration stops.
See Also