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ICrossSectionPoint Interface

Point on a cross section.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule (in DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule.dll) Version: (
public interface ICrossSectionPoint : ICloneable

The ICrossSectionPoint type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDistributedResistance
The distributed resistance factor for this point. Value only applies of owning cross section's ResistanceDistribution is Distributed. The EUM unit and type depend on the cross sections ResistanceFormulation. You should use CrossSectionPoint.GetResistance to retrieve the resistance factor for the actual ResistanceDistribution; the getter is "at your risk".
Public propertyHasVegetation
return true iff this point's Zone is any of the vegetation zones.
Public propertyIndex
returns the index of this point within the (sorted by x) list of points of the owning cross section. If the latter doesn't exist, return -1.
Public propertyMarkerString
String representation of markers on this cross section point. Used by GUI.
Public propertyOwner
the list of points of which this point is a part
Public propertyUserMarker
Returns the user marker for this point. If none exists, returns 0 (zero).
Public propertyVegetationHeight
The height of vegetation (only valid if in a vegetation zone, otherwise zero). [meters]. IMPORTANT NOTE: In the MZ XSec editor, vegetation height can be non-zero in all zones (even though it doesn't make sense...)!
Public propertyX
The X coordinate for this cross section point. [meters]
Public propertyZ
The Z coordinate for this cross section point. [meters]
Public propertyZone
The zone type this point lies in.
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from ICloneable.)
See Also