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CrossSectionFactory Class

A factory builder for creating cross sections.

To create a new cross section, first create a CrossSectionFactory. Then build the base of the cross section by calling one of the BuildXXX functions. Use the SetXXX functions to customize the cross section. Get the finished cross section from GetCrossSection

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule (in DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule.dll) Version: (
public class CrossSectionFactory

The CrossSectionFactory type exposes the following members.

Public methodCrossSectionFactory
Initializes a new instance of the CrossSectionFactory class
Public methodBuildCircular
Class to build a cross section.
Public methodBuildCircularPreprocessed
Class to build a cross section.
Public methodBuildOpen
Build a CrossSectionLocated with an XSOpen as base cross section
Public methodBuildPolygon
Build a CrossSectionLocated with an XSPolygon as base cross section
Public methodBuildRectangular
Build rectangular XS
Public methodBuildRectangularPolygon
Create a Polygon cross section representing a rectangle, with the given number of equidistant processed levels.

Processed data has not yet been calculated, you should call Prepare(HDParameterData, IDiagnostics) before using it.

Public methodBuildRectangularPreprocessed
Class to build a cross section. Uses the Build Pattern.
Public methodCrossSectionIsSymmetric
Set XSBaseRaw base cross section to symmetric
Public methodCrossSectionNeedsLocation
Set if this cross section needs a location. If cross section needs a location, and does not have one set, an error is thrown at GetCrossSection
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetCrossSection
Get a finished cross section from the builder. Checks whether cross section has been build correctly and throws an exception if not.
Public methodGetDepthDependence
Return the depthdependence of the cross section currently being build
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetCoordinates
Set the real world X-Y/easting-northing coordinates of the current cross section
Public methodSetDefaultMarkers
Set default markers if missing. This will set marker 1, 2 and 3, i.e., the lowest point and left/right levee bank.
Public methodStatic memberSetDefaultMarkers(XSBaseRaw)
Set default markers if missing. This will set marker 1, 2 and 3, i.e., the lowest point and left/right levee bank.
Public methodSetEquidistantProcessingLevelSpecs(Int32)
Sets equidistant processinglevel specs similar to those set in a MU setup Builder pattern: Builds xsBaseRaw.
Public methodStatic memberSetEquidistantProcessingLevelSpecs(XSBaseRaw, Int32)
Sets equidistant processinglevel specs similar to those set in a MU setup Builder pattern: Builds xsBaseRaw.
Public methodSetEquidistantProcessingLevelSpecs(Int32, Double, Double)
Sets equidistant processinglevel specs similar to those set in a MU setup. Use when the minimum and maximum Z-value of the raw data is known. Builder pattern: Builds xsBaseRaw.
Public methodStatic memberSetEquidistantProcessingLevelSpecs(XSBaseRaw, Int32, Double, Double)
Sets equidistant processinglevel specs similar to those set in a MU setup. Use when the minimum and maximum Z-value of the raw data is known. Builder pattern: Builds xsBaseRaw.
Public methodSetFlowResistance
Set the flow resistance of the cross section being build
Public methodSetLeftLeveeBank
The left levee bank (marker 1)
Public methodSetLeftLowFlowBank
The left low flow bank (marker 4).
Public methodSetLocation
Set the XLocation of the current cross section
Public methodSetLowestPoint
The lowest point in the channel (marker 2).
Public methodSetProcessedData
Set processed data. All arrays must have same length. Only
Public methodSetRadiusType
Set radius type of XSBaseRaw base cross section
Public methodSetRawPoints
Set raw data points. It is setting the point list of an XSBaseRaw base cross section.
Public methodSetResistanceDistribution
Set the flow resistance of the cross section being build
Public methodSetRightLeveeBank
The right levee bank (marker 3).
Public methodSetRightLowFlowBank
The right low flow bank (marker 5).
Public methodSetTopExtension
Set top slotter on XSPolygon. The top slotter creates additional levels in the processed data during XS initialize
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also