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ICatchmentNamData Interface

Catchment NAM/RDI data interface

NAM is a lumped, conceptual rainfall-runoff model, simulating the overland-, inter-, and base-flow components as a function of the moisture contents in four storages; snow, surface, root-zone and ground water.

This interface contains data and parameters for setting up a NAM model, and is as such a data class only. Computational variables are not included in this class. It can be used to explore data and parameters required when setting up the NAM model.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule (in DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule.dll) Version: (
public interface ICatchmentNamData : ICatchmentData

The ICatchmentNamData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdditional
Additional parameters for the NAM catchment. These parameters are not used for the calculation, but can be used to calculate parameters for the catchment
Public propertyAdditionalFlow
Additional constant flow added to the total runoff Unit: [m3/s] Default: 0
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyArea
Total area of catchment
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyAutocal
Public propertyBaseTemperature
Variable holding the base temperature defining if the precipitation is snow or rain (T0). Type: temperature Unit: [celcius] Default: 0.0
Public propertyCapilarFluxParameter
Variable expressing at which ground water depth the capilar flux is 1 mm/day when the lower zone is completely dry (GWLfl1). Type: Ground water depth Unit: [meter] Default: 0.0
Public propertyCatchmentGeometry
Geometry of the catchment. This is a list of coordinates defining a closed polygon as the extent of the catchment.
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyCatchmentName
Catchment name

The name is not unique, there may be several catchment models for one catchment, however all catchments with the same name should/must share the same catchment geometry.

(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyCenterPoint
The central point of the catchment. Used for e.g. finding the rain time series closest to this catchment.
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyConstDegreeDayCoef
Variable holding the constant degree day coefficient (Csnow). Type: Melting Coefficient Unit: [mm/Celcius/day] Default: 2.0
Public propertyConstGwDepthForZeroBaseFlow
The ground water depth at which the base flow equals zero (GWLBF0). Constant value, used when UseSeasonalGwDepthForZeroBaseFlow is false

Type: Ground water depth. Unit: [meter]. Default: 10.

Public propertyCropCoeffs
Variables holding the seasonal crop coefficientsas read from the file Type: Dimensionless factor Unit: [] Default: 1

Used only when UseCropCoeffsAndLosses is set.

Public propertyEndTime
End time of catchment simulation - the latest time for which the catchment can return data
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyExternalChainage
Variable holding the chainage of the external river delivering irrigation water.
Public propertyExternalRiverName
Variable holding the name of the external river delivering irrigation water Type: River Name Default: Blank
Public propertyGwCAreaRatio
This variable holds the ratio between ground water reservoir and the catchment area (Carea). It is multiplied with the baseflow after updating the groundwater depth with infiltration. Type: Dimensionless factor Unit: [] Default: 1
Public propertyIncludeElevationZones
This flag tells if the catchment should be divided into elevation zones used when ice modelling is included. Default: false
Public propertyIncludeRadiation
This flag determines if a radiation coefficient should be use in the calculation. Default: false
Public propertyIncludeRainfallDegreeDay
This flag decides if a rainfall degree day coefficient should be used. Default: false.
Public propertyIncludeSnow
This flag tells if snow is included in the calculation Default: false
Public propertyInfiltrationRateAtFieldCapacity
Variable holding the infiltartion rate at field capacity (K0inf). Type: Infiltration Unit: [mm/h] Default: 1
Public propertyInitial
Initial conditions for NAM state variables.
Public propertyLossesToEvaporation
Variables holding the seasonal losses in percent due to evaporation as read from the file Type: Dimensionless factor Unit: [%] Default: 0

Used only when UseCropCoeffsAndLosses is set.

Public propertyLossesToGroundwater
Variables holding the seasonal losses in percent to groundwater Type: Dimensionless factor Unit: [%] Default: 0

Used only when UseCropCoeffsAndLosses is set.

Public propertyLossesToOverlandFlow
Variables holding the seasonal losses in percent to over land flow as read from the file Type: Dimensionless factor Unit: [%] Default: 0

Used only when UseCropCoeffsAndLosses is set.

Public propertyLowerGwRechargeCoef
Variable holding the fraction of the infiltration to the ground water that enters the lower ground water storage (CQlow). If set to zero, the lower ground water storage is not enabled. Type: Lower baseflow Unit: [percent] Default: 0.0
Public propertyMaxGwDepthForZeroBaseFlow
Holds the maximum groundwater depth corresponding to a zero base flow. Used when UseSeasonalGwDepthForZeroBaseFlow. Type: Ground water depth Unit: [meter] Default: 10
Public propertyMinGwDepthForTranferToUpperStorage
Holds the minimum groundwater depth at which the groundwater is transfered to the upper storage (GWLmin). Type: Ground water depth Unit: [meter] Default: 0
Public propertyMinGwDepthForZeroBaseFlow
Holds the minimum groundwater depth corresponding to a zero base flow. Used when UseSeasonalGwDepthForZeroBaseFlow. Type: Ground water depth Unit: [meter] Default: 0
Public propertyModelId
Catchment model ID. Unique id.
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyName Obsolete.
Catchment model ID. Unique id.
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyNumberOfSnowZones
Variable holding the number of inidividual snow zones. When set, all snow zone parameter arrays are recreated and reset to default values. Default: 1
Public propertyObservedData
Observed data. Used for creating calibration plots and for auto-calibration reference data.
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyOverLandflowRunoffCoeff
Coefficient for overland flow runoff (CQOF). It expresses the part of the net rainfall that run off as over land flow. Type: Dimensionless Unit: [] Default: 0.5
Public propertyPercentageFromExternalRiver
Variable telling the percentage of irrigation source that originates from external river. Type: Dimensionless Factor Unit: [] Default: 0
Public propertyPercentageFromLocalGroundWater
Variable telling the percentage of irrigation source that originates from local ground water. Type: Dimensionless Factor Unit: [] Default: 50
Public propertyPercentageFromLocalRiver
Variable telling the percentage of irrigation source that originates from local river. Type: Dimensionless Factor Unit: [] Default: 50
Public propertyPersons
Number of person equivalent in the catchment, used with catchment discharge source boundary
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyRadiationCoeff
Variable holding the radiation coefficient (Crad); Type: Dimensionless factor Default: 0.0;
Public propertyRainfallDegreeDayCoeff
Variable holding the rainfall degree day coefficient (Crain). Type: Rain Melting Coefficient per degree per time Unit: [/celcius/day] Default: 0.0
Public propertyRootZoneStorageMax
Maximum storage in the root/lower zone (L_max) Type: Storage depth Unit: [mm] Default: 100.00
Public propertySeasonalDegreeDayCoeff
This array holds the seasonal variation of the degree day coefficient (Csnow). Type: melting Coefficient Unit: [mm/celcius/day] Default: 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 4.5, 4.5, 4, 3, 2, 1.5, 1
Public propertySeasonalDegreeDayCoeffTimeSeries
This flag determines if the seasonal variation of the degree day coefficient is specified in a time series. Default: false
Public propertySeasonalRelativeGwDepth
Holds the relative seasonal depth used to calculated the groundwater depth corresponding to a zero base flow. Used when UseSeasonalGwDepthForZeroBaseFlow. Type: Dimensionless factor Unit: [] Default: 1
Public propertySpecificYield
Holds the specific yield for the groundwater reservoir (Sy). Type: Dimensionless factor Unit: [] Default: 0.1
Public propertyStartTime
Start time of catchment simulation - the earliest time for which the catchment can return data
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyStormWaterLIDs
StormWater LIDs connected to catchment
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertySurfaceStorageMax
Maximum surface/upper storage (Umax) Type: Storage Depth Unit: [mm] Default: 10.00
Public propertyThresholdGroundWaterRecharge
Root zone treshold for recharging groundwater (TG) Type: Dimensionless factor Unit: [] Default: 0
Public propertyThresholdInterFlow
Root zone treshold for inter flow (TIF) Type: Dimensionless factor Unit: [] Default: 0
Public propertyThresholdOverlandFlow
Root zone treshold for overland flow (TOF) Type: Dimensionless factor Unit: [] Default: 0
Public propertyTimeConstantBaseFlow
Time constant for the routing of base flow (CKBF) Type: Flow routing time constant Unit: [hour] Default: 2000
Public propertyTimeConstantFirstReservoir
Time constant for the first linear reservoir routing (CK1), for overland and interflow. Type: Flow routing time constant Unit: [hour] Default: 10
Public propertyTimeConstantInterFlow
Time constant for the first linear reservoir routing of inter flow (CKIF) Type: Flow routing time constant Unit: [hour] Default: 1000
Public propertyTimeConstantLowerBaseFlow
Variable holding the time constant for routing ground water in the lower ground water reservoir (CKlow). Type: Flow routing time constant Unit: [hour] Default: 10000
Public propertyTimeConstantSecondReservoir
Time constant for the second linear reservoir routing (CK2), for overland flow. Type: Flow routing time constant Unit: [hour] Default: 10
Public propertyTimeStep
Time step used during the simulation by the catchment model
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyUseAbstraction
Flag telling if abstraction of ground water should be included. Default: false
Public propertyUseCropCoeffsAndLosses
Flag telling if seasonal crop coefficients and losses should be specified. Default: false
Public propertyUseFullEvaporationOnSnow
Flag telling if the evaporation has to be reduced by the snow cover. If False (default MIKE 11) the evaporation will be reduced by the snow cover, if True (default MIKE URBAN), full evaporation occurs even on the ground where there is snow.

The procedure is only valid when one snow zone is defined. If more than one snow zone is defined this must be false.

Type: bool. Default: False.

Public propertyUseHotStartFile
Flag telling if initial conditions is taken from a hotstart file Default: false
(Inherited from ICatchmentData.)
Public propertyUseIrrigationModule
Flag telling if the irrigation module should be applied. Type: bool Default: False
Public propertyUseSeasonalDegreeDayCoeff
This flag determines if a seasonal variation of the degree day coefficient should be used. Default: false
Public propertyUseSeasonalGwDepthForZeroBaseFlow
Flag telling if a seasonal variation of the ground water depth corresponding to zero base flow should be used. Default: false
Public propertyZoneArea
Variables holding the areas of the different zones. Type: Catchment area Unit: [km2] Default: 0, not used in case of only one snow zone, the total catchment area is used instead.
Public propertyZoneDryTemperatureCorrection
Variables holding the dry temperature correction for the different zones. Type: Temperature correction Unit: [celcius] Default: 0
Public propertyZoneElevation
Variables holding the elevations for the different zones. These values are not used during the calculation, but used elsewhere to calculate parameters in different snow zones. Type: Elevation Unit: [meter] Default: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000
Public propertyZoneMaximumStorage
Variables holding the maximum storage at the different zones. Excess storage is moved to lower snow zone. Type: Storage depth Unit: [mm] Default: 10000, if only one snow zone: 0.
Public propertyZoneMaxWaterInSnow
Variables holding the maximum amount of water contained in the snow. Type: Max Water Unit: [%] Default: 0
Public propertyZoneMinimumStorage
Variables holding the smallest storage matching full coverage for the different zones Type: Storage depth Unit: [mm] Default: 100, if only one snow zone: 0.
Public propertyZonePrecipitationCorrection
Variables holding the precipitation correction for the different zones. Type: Precipitation correction Unit: [%] Default: 0
Public propertyZoneWetTemperatureCorrection
Variables holding the wet temperature correction for the different zones. Type: Temperature correction Unit: [celcius] Default: 0
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCreateMonthlyAbstractionBoundary
Sets up monthly abstraction for nam, assuming the abstraction values are in mm/month.
(Defined by RRExtensions.)
See Also