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CatchmentNam Methods

The CatchmentNam type exposes the following members.

Public methodApplyBoundary(ICatchmentSourceBoundary)
Apply source boundary to the catchment. The boundary will be set depending on the type. It will throw an exception if type in not correct or if Discharge type is used.

If a boundoary source is already set, it will be overridden.

(Overrides CatchmentApplyBoundary(ICatchmentSourceBoundary).)
Public methodApplyBoundary(GlobalSourceBoundaryTypes, GlobalGeoLocatedSource)
Apply boundary for Global source boundary type
(Overrides CatchmentApplyBoundary(GlobalSourceBoundaryTypes, GlobalGeoLocatedSource).)
Protected methodApplyBoundaryLIDs(ICatchmentSourceBoundary)
Apply boundary to LID's in catchment
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected methodApplyBoundaryLIDs(GlobalSourceBoundaryTypes, GlobalGeoLocatedSource)
Apply boundary to LID's in catchment
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodBoundaryTypeIsAdditive
Return true if boundaries of the specified type are additive; the contributions of two discharge boundaries add up, while two temperature boundaries do not.
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodCalcInitialGWDepthFromBaseflow
Calculates an initial ground water depth from a base flow
Public methodCalcInitialOverlandFirstReservoirStorageFromFlow
Calculate initial OverLandFirstReservoirStorage from OverLandFirstReservoirFlow (and OverLandOutflow), i.e. these must be set first.
Public methodCalcInitialOverlandSecondReservoirStorageFromFlow
Calculate initial OverLandSecondReservoirStorage from OverLandOutflow (and OverLandFirstReservoirFlow), i.e. these must be set first.
Public methodCalcTimeConstantFirstReservoir
This functione returns the final time constant needed to route overland flow through the first linear reservoir. Unit: [hour]
Public methodCalcTimeConstantSecondReservoir
This functione returns the final time constant needed to route overland flow through the second linear reservoir. Unit: [hour]
Public methodCalculateGwDepthForZeroBaseFlow
This routine finds the ground water depth at which there is zero base flow. This depth can be either constant or vary through out the year.
Protected methodCalculateStatistics
Calculate statistics.

Called at end of each time step, by PerformTimeStep

(Overrides CatchmentStateCalculateStatistics.)
Protected methodCalculateYearlyStatistics
Calculate and update yearly statistics, YearlyRunoff.

Called at end of each time step, in PerformTimeStep

(Overrides CatchmentStateCalculateYearlyStatistics.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetRequiredTypes
Returns a list of CatchmentSourceBoundaryTypes that need to be set. The list will always contains Rainfall and Evaporation if they have not been set yet. The list should be empty when this is called for M11, because the source boundaries have already been set.
(Overrides CatchmentGetRequiredTypes.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodInitialiseStateVariableTable
This procedure initializes all the state variables declared for the catchment.
(Overrides CatchmentStateInitialiseStateVariableTable.)
Public methodInitialize
Initialize Rainfall Runoff model. Sets up static data.
(Overrides CatchmentInitialize(IDiagnostics).)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPerformTimeStep
This procedure forwards the calculation with one time step.
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodPrepare
Prepare Rainfall Runoff model. Sets up dynamic data so that the model is ready for first time step.
(Overrides CatchmentPrepare(RRParameters, IDiagnostics).)
Protected methodPrepareSource
Prepare boundary source.
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected methodPrepareState
Prepare state for new simulation.
(Inherited from CatchmentState.)
Public methodResetBoundaries
Remove boundaries applied in previous runs
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Protected methodTakeTimeStep
This procedure forwards the NAM calculation with one time step.
(Overrides CatchmentTakeTimeStep.)
Public methodTimeAccepts
List of data types that is accepted and can be used in SetValue
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodTimeOffers
List of data types that is offered and can be used in GetValue
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodTimeOfNextUpdate
Return the time of next update. Used for PostTimeStepEvent event in Catchments. If a catchment uses variable timesteps, then this function must be overridden!!
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodTimeValueGetter(IQuantity)
Get value setter for the specified data quantity
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodTimeValueGetter(IQuantity, IQuantity)
Get value setter for the specified data quantity
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodTimeValueGetterRR
Get value setter for the specified data quantity
(Overrides CatchmentStateTimeValueGetterRR(IQuantity, IQuantity).)
Public methodTimeValueSetter
Get value setter for the specified data type
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodTransferToStateVariableTable
This routine stores the calculated variables in variables ready for export. The values in these state variable corresponds to the values written to the result file. All discharge variables are subject to a unit conversion. During the calculation discharges are calculated using the unit mm/hour and must therefor be converted into m3/s.
(Overrides CatchmentStateTransferToStateVariableTable.)
Protected methodTriggerPostTimeStepEvent
Trigger the PostTimeStepEvent, called at end of a time step.
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodType
The type of catchment: NAM, Urban A etc
(Overrides CatchmentType.)
Public methodUpdate
Update internal state of catchment to time Time()
(Overrides CatchmentStateUpdate(DateTime).)
Public methodValidate
Validate that the catchment is set up correctly
(Overrides CatchmentValidate.)
Public methodValidate(IDiagnostics, Boolean)
Check that the NAM catchment has been properly initialised To be called at the end of Initialize() using isInitializing true. Validate() is called before Initialize()
Protected methodValidateLIDs
Validate all LIDs in catchment
(Inherited from Catchment.)
Public methodVolumeInCatchment
Volume of water stored in catchment after previous TakeTimeStep()
(Overrides CatchmentVolumeInCatchment.)
Public methodVolumeInCatchmentAtStart
Volume of water stored in catchment after previous TakeTimeStep()
(Overrides CatchmentVolumeInCatchmentAtStart.)
See Also