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DHI.Mike1D.Engine.AddOns Namespace

Public classADDecayAccumulatedCalculator
Engine data item that calculcates the accumuated decay in mass units, usually [kg]. Data item is updated every time step
Public classADMassErrorAccumulatedCalculator
Data Item for calculating the accumulated mass error or mass balance checksum.

The data item can either accumulate with sign, or accumulate the absolute values of the error/checksum.

Public classHDDischargeOfFullPipeCalculator
Pull version of calculating discharge of a full pipe on q-grid points Data is calculated when GetValues is called. For reaches that do not run full (open channel that are not pipes) null is returned.
Public classHDDischargeStepAveraged
A calculator that calculates the mass error for the latest time step.
Public classHDFloodedArea
Helper class for calculating total flooded area in network

Flooded area is surface area of open parts of the network.

Public classHDInOutFlowCalculator
Helper class providing the inflow to the network.

This is a lazy/pull driven version, only retrieving values when required. If the same values are retrieved more than once, they are recalculated from scratch.

Public classHDMassErrorAccumulatedCalculator
A calculator that sums up the mass error for all time steps.

The calculator is based on an HDMassErrorCalculator, which must be created first, and it must also be updated before this calculator, in order to get the correct mass error numbers. Hence, this must be added AFTER the HDMassErrorCalculator to the list of data items in the DataModule

Public classHDMassErrorAccumulatedChecksumCalculator
A calculator that calculates a mass error check sum accumulated since start of simulation
Public classHDMassErrorCalculator
A calculator that calculates the mass error for the latest time step.
Public classHDMassErrorChecksumCalculator
A calculator that calculates a mass error check sum for the latest time step.
Public classHDTotalInOutflowCalculator
Helper class to calculate the total inflow/outflow to/from the entire network, for many different categories.
Public classHDVelocityCalculator
Pull version of calculating velocity on grid points Data is calculated when GetValues are called
Public classHDWaterFlowRateAboveGroundCalculator
Engine data item that can provide the water volume in nodes above ground.

This version only calculates values on request, using buffering in case values are requested more than once.

Public classHDWaterMaxVolumeCalculator
Engine data item that can provide the maximum volume in the network. The maximum volume is only calculated once (ie the network is assumed to be static)

Pull version only calculates values on request.

Public classHDWaterSpillDischargeCalculator
Engine data item that can provide the water volume in nodes above ground.

This version only calculates values on request, using buffering in case values are requested more than once.

Public classHDWaterVolumeCalculator
Engine data item that can provide the volume in the network.

Handles the total volume, and only volume in reaches and nodes in case M11Compatibility is set.

Public classHDWaterVolumeChangeCalculator
Helper class to calculate the change of volume of water in a timestep in the network
Public classHDWaterVolumeInNodesAboveGroundCalculator
Engine data item that can provide the water volume in nodes above ground.

This version only calculates values on request, using buffering in case values are requested more than once.

Public classHDWaterVolumeRetainedInMaxInflowToNodesCalculator
Engine data item that can provide the water volume that is retained in nodes with a restriction in inflow capacity. This will always be zero unless the inflow to a node is restricted.

This version only calculates values on request, using buffering in case values are requested more than once.

Public classMinMaxValueContainer
Class for recording min and max value, including time where min and max value occurred.
Public enumerationHDInOutFlowType
Enum for different types of in and out flow.
Public enumerationHDTotalInOutflowCalculatorFlowCategory
Types of inflow or outflow to return.