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HDModule Class

HDModule solves the HD equations on a EngineNet, and keeps track of state for the HDModule.

The HDModule also implements the IGraph interface, defining only the part of the HD network in the graph.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine.ModuleHD
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine (in DHI.Mike1D.Engine.dll) Version: (
public class HDModule : IModule, IProxyProvider, 
	ISourcePointProxyProvider, IGraph

The HDModule type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataItems
Data items for the HD module that can be reused.
Public propertyHDParameters
Public propertyIsInitialized
Returns true if the moduel is initialized (the constructor does so currently)
Public propertyIsPrepared
Returns true if the moduel is prepared (Prepare(Diagnostics) has been called)
Public propertyIterationNumber
Iteration number. Access to the iteration number is needed in the control module (via a sensor)
Public propertyNodes
List of all HD nodes in network.

Need not include all Engine nodes, use the GetNode(EngineNode) to check if a given engine node also has a corresponding HD node.

Public propertyNumericalWater Obsolete.
Added numerical water = Added numerical water in nodes + Added numerical water in grid points
Public propertyNumericalWaterInGridPoints Obsolete.
Added numerical water in grid points
Public propertyNumericalWaterInNodes Obsolete.
Added numerical water in nodes
Public propertyOrder
Order of module. Modules are processed in order.
Public propertyReaches
List of all HD reaches in network.

Need not include all Engine reaches, use the GetReach(EngineReach) to check if a given engine reach also has a corresponding HD reach.

Public propertyRuntimeDiagnostics
Diagnostics instance for the HD module. Used during runtime.
Public methodAddBoundaryToAdaptiveTimeStepCheck
Add a boundary source to the adaptive time series check
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFinalizeTimestep
FinalizeTimeStep allows the modules to do operations required when a time step has successfully completed
Public methodFinish
Release any license and clean up
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetImplicitSourcePoint(EngineNode)
Get an implicit source point proxy for the node.

This can only be called after the Prepare(Diagnostics) function has been called.

Public methodGetImplicitSourcePoint(EngineReach, Int32)
Get an implicit source point proxy for the gridpoint in the reach.

This can only be called after the Prepare(Diagnostics) function has been called.

Public methodGetNode
Maps an EngineReach to the corresponding HD Node
Public methodGetProxy
Get a proxy for generic/global data
Public methodGetProxy(EngineNode)
Get a proxy for the node
Public methodGetProxy(EngineReach)
Get a proxy for the reach, covering a number of gridpoints
Public methodGetProxy(EngineReach, Int32)
Get a proxy for the gridpoint in the reach
Public methodGetProxyReachGeneric
Get a proxy for the reach, generic data (not gridpoint associated)
Public methodGetReach
Maps an EngineReach to the corresponding HD Reach
Public methodGetSourcePoint(EngineReach, Int32) Obsolete.
Get a source point for the gridpoint in the reach. Usually this can only be called after the Prepare(Diagnostics) function has been called.
Public methodGetSourcePoint(EngineReach, Type) Obsolete.
Get a source point covering all gridpoints in the reach of the specified type Usually this can only be called after the Prepare(Diagnostics) function has been called.
Public methodGetSourcePoint(EngineReach, Type, ILocationSpan) Obsolete.
Get a source point covering all gridpoints in the span of the specified type Usually this can only be called after the Prepare(Diagnostics) function has been called.
Public methodGetSourcePointProxy(EngineNode)
Get a source point proxy for the node.

Usually this can only be called after the Prepare(Diagnostics) function has been called.

Public methodGetSourcePointProxy(EngineReach, Int32)
Get a source point proxy for the gridpoint in the reach.

Usually this can only be called after the Prepare(Diagnostics) function has been called.

Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPerformTimestep
Perform one time step. Return true if time step succeeded, or false if it failed.
Public methodPreferredTimeStep
Public methodPrepare
Prepare HDModule for first time step.
Public methodPrepareForTimeStep
Prepare nodes and reaches for next time step. - first time: Updates states, n to n+1 and nph. Derived variables depending on only local state at n, n+1 and nph may also be updated - Subsequent times: Resets the external source contributions.
Public methodSetInitialWaterLevels
Set the water levels in all grid points and nodes to prepare for the first iteration.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public eventExternalIntervalSources
Event for applying external sources in interval. Called once for each time step.
Public eventExternalSources
Event for applying external sources. Called once for each time step.
Public eventPreIterationEvent
An event that is called everytime a timestep was successfully performed.
See Also