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IHDNode Interface

HD node contains HD state for a node.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine.ModuleHD
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine (in DHI.Mike1D.Engine.dll) Version: (
public interface IHDNode

The IHDNode type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCourantNumber
The Courant Number reflects the fraction between the amount of volume flowing through the cell in one time step and the amount of volume of water in the cell.

If the value is larger than one, all the water in the cell is "replaced" during a single time step.

Public propertyEngineNode
EngineNode matching this HD node
Public propertyReaches
List of Reach connections, each specifying a connection between the node and a reach.
Public propertySourcesInflow
Accumulated inflow sources (lateral inflow) at current time step. Always positive
Public propertySourcesOutflow
Accumulated outflow sources (lateral outflow) at current time step. Always negative
Public propertyWaterLevelN
Water level at time n
Public propertyWaterLevelNp1
Water level at time n+1
Public methodAddSourceContribution
Lateral inflow, average value over time step or value at time N+½.

Be aware that you can not add lateral inflow to a node which is an active open boundary (has no effect).

Public methodVolumeError
Calculate the volume/mass error for node. In volume unit ([m3]).
See Also