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IDataItem Methods

The IDataItem type exposes the following members.

Public methodClear
Clear data item for time dependent data
Public methodCreateDataArray

The method exposes the contained data as a two dimensional array. The array is [number of time steps, number of points].

The array is constructed every time called as a copy of Data, and not updated if the underlying Data is updated.

Public methodCreateTimeSeriesData
Create an array of values for a given point with the given index, each element in the array corresponding the a given time.

Values are returned for the point at Chainages[pointIndex].

The result is an array having NumberOfTimeSteps elements.

The array is constructed every time called as a copy of the data in the data item.

Public methodGetValue
Returns the value for the element at the given element index and time index. Short-cut for GetValue(Int32, Int32)
Public methodUpdate
Update the TimeData with a new set of time step values
See Also