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NetworkDataT Properties

The NetworkDataT generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanInterpolate
Flag specifying whether it makes sense to interpolate in values on a reach.
Public propertyExtrapolationDistance
Distance from span/gridpoint where extrapolation takes place, i.e., if location chainage is outside the network value chainage span, but less than ExtrapolationDistance from the span, then the nearest value is extrapolated. Set to 0 to disable. Default is zero. Can not be negative.

When CanInterpolate is false, this specifies the distance to a chainage value/span that will return the point/span value, a tolerance value.

Public propertyGlobalValue
The global value. Used, if nothing better is found. Setting the global value automatically also sets HasGlobalValue to true.
Public propertyHasGlobalValue
Defines whether there is a global value, or strictly speaking, whether to use the global value.
Public propertyHasValues
Flag specifying whether this data has values defined at all
Public propertyLocalCount
Returns the number of locally defined values
Public propertyNodeIdValuePairs
The set of node id's and values defined.
Public propertyQuantity
Quantity stored in network data
Public propertyReachData
Collection of reach data sets currently active
See Also