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TsTime Properties

The TsTime type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDateTimes
DateTimes in the time series. For a calendar time axis this is retrieved from the time series. For a relative time axis this is calculated relative to the time series StartTime that must be set before this is called.
Public propertyDt
Public propertyEndTime
End time of time series. For a calendar axis IsCalendarAxis this is retrieved from the time series. For a relative time axis this is the StartTime plus the time series span. The StartTime must be set before this returns anything usefull.
Public propertyNumberOfTimes
Returns the number of times/values in the time series
Public propertyRelativeTimes
Times in seconds from the start of the time series.
Public propertyStartTime
Start time of time series. For a calendar axis IsCalendarAxis this is retrieved from the time series. For a relative time axis this must be set before any call to any of the GetValue calls with a DateTime argument, as e.g. GetValue(DateTime). It is not required to be set if using the GetValue(Double) version.
Public propertyTimeSpan
Time span in seconds of data in file.
Public propertyTimeType
Type of time axis.
See Also