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EnergyLoss Properties

The EnergyLoss type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAbruptAlignmentChange
Angle in degress describing abrupt change in river alignment Type: angle Unit: [degress] Default: 0.0
Public propertydDischargedDownStreamWaterLevel
Calculated Discharge derivative with DownStreamWaterLevel. Downstream is relative to the direction of chainage. The value is calculated by SetWaterLevels. Unit: [m^2/s]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertydDischargedUpStreamWaterLevel
Calculated Discharge derivative with UpStreamWaterLevel. Upstream is relative to the direction of chainage. The value is calculated by SetWaterLevels. Unit: [m^2/s]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyDelhs
Linear flow variation. For water level differences less than delhs use a linear Q variation between h1-h2=delhs and h1-h2=0. This is to avoid stability problems for small water level differences where dQdh goes to infinity. Unit: [m] Default: 0.01
Public propertyDischarge
Calculated Discharge. The value is calculated by SetWaterLevels. Unit: [m^3/s]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyDownstreamCrossSection
Downstream cross section data. The cross section data is the processed level, with, area.
Public propertyDownstreamWaterLevel
Downstream water level.Downstream refers to the direction of chainage. The water level is set by use of SetWaterLevels Unit: [m]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyExtensionData
Property used by (de)serializer, when it can not find proper target for a data field. Support of forward compatible data contracts.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyFlowArea
Flow area through structure. Used by most (but not all) structures.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyFrictionFactor
Frictionfactor used to calculate the energy loss caused by ordinary friction. Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [s2/m6] Default: 0.001
Public propertyGradualAlignmentChange
Angle in degress describing gradual change in river alignment Type: angle Unit: [degress] Default: 0.0
Public propertyHorizontalOffSetFromMarker2
Value used when plotting the structue Unit: [m] Defualt: 0
Public propertyID
Structure ID
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyIDInUserUnit
Used to get a consistent description of the structure. The ID comes in user units. Used e.g. when reporting errors, warnings and hints.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyImplicit
Flag to control if the structure is implicit or explicit. If the structure is explicit (Implicit == false) then the derivatives of the dicharge are always zero. Default value: true
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyInvertLevelDownstream
Invert level down stream
(Overrides StructureInvertLevelDownstream.)
Public propertyInvertLevelUpstream
Invert level up stream
(Overrides StructureInvertLevelUpstream.)
Public propertyLength
Length of the structure. Unit: [m] Default value: 0m
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyLocation
Location property.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyMinimumHeadloss
Minimum head loss across a structure. Default value = 0.01
Public propertyNegContraction
Energy loss coefficient for negative flow at flow contraction losses Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.0
Public propertyNegExpansion
Energy loss coefficient for negative flow at flow expansion losses Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.0
Public propertyNegUserDefined
Energy loss coefficient for negative flow at user defined energy losses Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.0
Public propertyPartOfCompositeFlow
Part of the flow in a parallel strucutre that passes through this structure.
Public propertyPosContraction
Energy loss coefficient for positive flow at flow contraction losses Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.0
Public propertyPosExpansion
Energy loss coefficient for positive flow at flow expansion losses Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.0
Public propertyPosUserDefined
Energy loss coefficient for positive flow at user defined energy losses Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.0
Public propertyRoughness
Roughness for gradual change in river alignment Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.0
Public propertyRunTimeDiagnostics
The getter is used to get a list of errors.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertySideStructureBank
Bank side that side-structure is located on

If side structure contains reservoir, and has the Coordinate set, this is not used (and should be set to Undefined).

(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertySideStructureReservoir
Reservoir at end of side structure. Null if not side structure, or no reservoir is defined
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyStructureCrossSection
Structure cross section data. The cross section data is the processed level, with, area.
Public propertyStructureType
Type of structure
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyTopoID
String used to identified cross sections
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyType
Structure type, unique for each structure.
(Overrides StructureType.)
Public propertyUpstreamCrossSection
Upstream cross section data. The cross section data is the processed level, with, area.
Public propertyUpstreamWaterLevel
Upstream water level. Upstream refers to the direction of chainage. The water level is set by use of SetWaterLevels Unit: [m]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyUseAbruptChange
Flag telling if there is energy loss due to an abrupt change in river alingment Type: boolean Default: false
Public propertyUseContractionLoss
Flag telling if there is an energy loss due to a contraction Type: boolean Default: false
Public propertyUseExpansionLoss
Flag telling if there is an energy loss due to a expansion Type: boolean Default: false
Public propertyUseGradualChange
Flag telling if there is energy loss due to a gradual change in river alingment Type: boolean Default: false
Public propertyUseUserDefined
Flag telling if there is an user defined energy loss Type: boolean Default: false
Public propertyWaterLevel
Water level at the structure
See Also