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DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule Namespace

Public classAbstractBroadCrestedCWeir
Abstract class that holds some of the more general broad crested weir algorithms.
Public classArchPierBridgeGeometry
Public classAreaOfIntersectingPolygons
Area of Intersection of Polygons Algorithm based on This version was translated from the java version at
Public classBieryDelleurBridge
BieryDelleurBridge structures, supporting the following type of tables:
  • Q = f(Hups, Hdws)
The arguments ([!:BridgeBase.RowHeader]) and ([!:BridgeBase.ColumnHeader]) will always contain water levels, while the output ([!:BridgeBase.Table]) will be discharge values.
Public classBridgeBase
BridgeBase structures, supporting the following type of tables:
  • Q = f(Hups, Hdws)
The arguments ([!:RowHeader]) and ([!:ColumnHeader]) will always contain water levels, while the output ([!:Table]) will be discharge values.
Public classBridgeGeometry
Public classBridgeOverflow
Public classBridgeSubmergence
Public classBridgeTabulated
Tabulated bridge structure, having only the table of discharges and no geometry.:
  • Q = f(Hups, Hdws)
The arguments ([!:BridgeBase.RowHeader]) and ([!:BridgeBase.ColumnHeader]) will always contain water levels, while the output ([!:BridgeBase.Table]) will be discharge values.
Public classBroadCrestedWeir
The class models a broad crested weir. The flow is either critical flow in which case the downstream condition has no influence on the flow or is submerged flow in which case the flow depends on both the upstream and the downstream water level. The special weir is a special version of the broad crested weir. Conversely to the broad crested weir, the special weir does not offer calculation of the critical flow conditions from the weir geometry. The special weir always has Q/h relations specified by the user. For the special weir, the SpecialWeir. The flow through the structure is governed by the energy loss due to the flow contraction on the upstream side of the weir and by the energy loss due to flow expansion on the downstream side.
Public classBroadCrestedWeirGeometry
Cross section
Public classCompositStructures
List of composite structures
Public classCrossSectionBridgeGeometry
Public classCulvert
Models the flow through typically longer pipe between limiting cross sections (up- and down- stream). The pipe my have any cross section geometry and may be either closed or open.

See ICulvert for parameters for setting up a culvert.

The culvert such that critical flow conditions are calculated prior to calculation of the actual flow. The critical flow conditions are typically by activating the CalcCriticalConditions method from a user interface The result of this procedure is stored as part of the culvert specification. See CalculateFreeOverFlowQhRelation for more detail.

Public classCulvertFlowConditionsCalculator
Public classCulvertSectionGeometries
Common class containing data for all culvert geometry types.
Public classDamBreak
Dambreak class.
Public classDamBreakBase
Base class for DamBreak and DamBreakNWS
Public classDamBreakNWS
Dambreak class.
Public classDischargeStructure
Simple constant discharge structure.
Public classEnergyBridge
EnergyBridge structures, supporting the following type of tables:
  • Q = f(Hups, Hdws)
The arguments ([!:BridgeBase.RowHeader]) and ([!:BridgeBase.ColumnHeader]) will always contain water levels, while the output ([!:BridgeBase.Table]) will be discharge values.
Public classEnergyLoss
Calculation of the flow at energy loss structures.
Public classExtendedHonmaWeir
Describes flow through a weir with and a set of formulas that is an extension of the formulas used for the HonmaWeir.
Public classFHWABridge
FHWABridge structures, supporting the following type of tables:
  • Q = f(Hups, Hdws)
The arguments ([!:BridgeBase.RowHeader]) and ([!:BridgeBase.ColumnHeader]) will always contain water levels, while the output ([!:BridgeBase.Table]) will be discharge values.
Public classFHWABridgeGeometry
Public classFreeOverFlowData
Represents the table of free overflow data for the special weir.
Public classFreeOverFlowLevelData
Represents free over flow data for one level.
Public classGate
Abstract gate. The gate is a controllable structure.
Public classGateTools
Public classHonmaWeir
The HonmaWeir (Weir formula 2) class describes weir flow modelled with the Honma formula.
Public classHRBridge
HRBridge structures, supporting the following type of tables:
  • Q = f(Hups, Hdws)
The arguments ([!:BridgeBase.RowHeader]) and ([!:BridgeBase.ColumnHeader]) will always contain water levels, while the output ([!:BridgeBase.Table]) will be discharge values.
Public classHydraulicParameters
Table of corresponding depths, areas, hydraulic radi and conveyances.
Public classHydraulicParameterSet
Represents the "Hydraulic Parameters" table of a culvert. The table stores relations between depth at invert, area, radius and conveyance. The table must be kept in sync with the QhFlowtypeRelation table.
Public classLevelWidth
One level-width data point. Can also be depth-width.
Public classLevelWidths
Table of corresponding levels and widths. Can also be depths and widths.
Public classNaglerBridge
NaglerBridge structures, supporting the following type of tables:
  • Q = f(Hups, Hdws)
The arguments ([!:BridgeBase.RowHeader]) and ([!:BridgeBase.ColumnHeader]) will always contain water levels, while the output ([!:BridgeBase.Table]) will be discharge values.
Public classNwk11StructureBridge
The Nwk11 bridge is used for reading and writing data from the Mike11 network file.
Public classOrifice
An orifice is a structure of arbitrary shape.
Public classOrificeFlowCoefficients
Table of orifice flow coefficients for culvert specification.
Public classOrificeFlowCoefficientSet
Orifice flow coefficients for one water level. Part of culvert input specification.
Public classOverFlowFormula
Calculation of the flow at energy loss structures.
Public classOverFlowGate
Description of an overflow gate. An overflow gate is in this context a broad crested weir with a rectangular opening. The over flow gate is a controlable structure. It allows the gate level to be varied.
Public classPump
Pump class.

A pump moves water within the network, with the ability to start and stop a specific water levels

Public classQhFlowtypeRelation
Relation between depth, critical and flow type.
Public classQhFlowtypeRelations
Represents a table that ties water depth above culvert inlet at upstream cross section to critical discharge and flow type.
Public classQHStructure
QHStructure class. A simple structure where discharge depends on upstream water level. The discharge is tabulated.
Public classRadialGate
The radial gate divides the flow into an underflow part and an overflow part. When specifying gate levels for a radial gate the user should specify the level for the underflow part, i.e. the level of the bottom of the gate. The gate level for the overflow part is then calculated based on geometric considerations. The under flow gate is a controllable structure. It allows the gate level to be varied.
Public classReservoirData
This class contains information about reservoirs connected to structures. In
Public classSluiceGate
Calculation of the flow at operational sluice gates using formulas for four different flow regimes and for overtopping as well.
Public classSquareBroadCrestedWeir
A square broad-crested weir.
Public classSquaredGatedBCWeir
Base implementation for a broadcrested weir with a rectangular opening.
Public classStormwaterInlet
Storm water inlet class.
Public classStructure
Base class for all structures. The class is abstract since an instance of it wouldn't make sence
Public classStructureCollection
Data access model for the structure module.
Public classStructureDataFactory
Factory class for reading and writing structure data to storage
Public classStructureDataXmlBridge
Bridge for reading and writing structure data to xml file
Public classStructureExtensions
Class with extension methods for structures
Public classStructureParameters
Class which contains parameters used during initilization of structures
Public classStructures
List of structures.
Public classTabulated
Tabulated structures, supporting 3 different types of tables:
  • Q = f(Hups, Hdws)
  • Hups = f(Hdws, Q)
  • Hdws = f(Hups, Q)
The first argument (RowHeader) will always contain water levels, while the second argument (ColumnHeader can be either water level or discharge values, and opposite for the output (Table), depending on the CalculationMode.
Public classUnderFlowGate
Description of an underflow gate. An underflow gate is in this context a broad crested weir with a rectangular opening that may be limited upward by the gate. In case the gate is not submerged the gate will act a broad crested weir. The under flow gate is a controlable structure. It allows the gate level to be varied.
Public classUSBPRBridge
USBPRBridge structures, supporting the following type of tables:
  • Q = f(Hups, Hdws)
The arguments ([!:BridgeBase.RowHeader]) and ([!:BridgeBase.ColumnHeader]) will always contain water levels, while the output ([!:BridgeBase.Table]) will be discharge values.
Public classValve
Calculation of the flow through a valve
Public classValvedStructure
Structure with valve regulation. The valve overrules the otherwise calculated flow.
Public classVillemonteWeir
The VillemonteWeir (Weir formula 1) class describes weir flow modelled with the Villemonte formula.
Public classYarnellBridge
Bridge structures, supporting 3 different types of tables:
  • Q = f(Hups, Hdws)
  • Hups = f(Hdws, Q)
  • Hdws = f(Hups, Q)
The first argument ([!:RowHeader]) will always contain water levels, while the second argument ([!:ColumnHeader] can be either water level or discharge values, and opposite for the output ([!:Table]), depending on the [!:CalculationMode].
Public structureADComponentConstantInfo
Struct for conversion of units for constants between Nwk11 structure bridge and Sim11 bridge.
Public structureADComponentSensorDescriptionInfo
Struct for recording errors between Nwk11 structure bridge and Sim11 bridge.
Public interfaceIBCWeir
Public interfaceIBridgeStructure
Bridge structure interface
Public interfaceIBroadCrestedWeir
Interface for the special weir. Gives access to the Weir geometry data (Datum and LevelWidth) and to the cross section data for up- and down- stream cross sections.
Public interfaceIBroadCrestedWeirGeometry
Specification of the weir geometry
Public interfaceICompositStructure
Collection of structures at the same location. Interface used by the engines.
Public interfaceICompositStructures
Public interfaceICulvert
Models the flow through typically longer pipe between limiting cross sections (up- and down- stream). The pipe my have any cross section geometry and may be either closed or open. The culvert such that critical flow conditions are calculated prior to calculation of the actual flow. The critical flow conditions are typically by activating the CalcCriticalConditions method from a user interface The result of this procedure is stored as part of the culvert specification.
Public interfaceICulvertSectionBase
Common data interface for culvert sections
Public interfaceICulvertSectionCircular
Describes a circular culvert section.
Public interfaceICulvertSectionCrossSection
Class handling a culvert geometry from cross section database.
Public interfaceICulvertSectionGeometries
Common interface containing data for all culvert geometry types.
Public interfaceICulvertSectionRectangular
Describes a rectangular culvert section.
Public interfaceICulvertSectionTable
A table section is either in level-width or depth-width format, decided by the CulvertSectionGeometries value.
Public interfaceIDamBreak
Public interfaceIDamBreakBase
Dambreak base parameters.
Public interfaceIDamBreakErosion
Parameters for erosion based dam break.
Public interfaceIDamBreakNWS
Dambreak data for the NWS dam break class.
Public interfaceIDischargeStructure
Simple constant discharge structure, that may be controlled
Public interfaceIEnergyLoss
Energy loss structure interface
Public interfaceIExtendedHonmaWeir
Describes flow through a weir with and a set of formulas that is an extension of the formulas used for the HonmaWeir.
Public interfaceIFreeOverFlowData
Represents the table of free overflow data for the special weir.
Public interfaceIFreeOverFlowLevelData
Represents free over flow data for one level.
Public interfaceIGate
Common interface for gate structures
Public interfaceIHeadLossStructure
Interface implemented by structures that have head loss factors as part of their input.
Public interfaceIHonmaWeir
The HonmaWeir (Weir formula 2) class describes weir flow modelled with the Honma formula.
Public interfaceIHydraulicParameters
Table of corresponding depths, areas, hydraulic radi and conveyances.
Public interfaceIHydraulicParameterSet
Represents the "Hydraulic Parameters" table of a culvert. The table stores relations between depth at invert, area, radius and conveyance. The table must be kept in sync with the QhFlowtypeRelation table.
Public interfaceIIteratingStructure
Maximum number of iterations in a structure to obtain convergence of the discharge. Default value = 100
Public interfaceILevelWidth
Defines data for single level in a Level/Width table. Level/Width tables are used both for structure geometry and for cross section specifications for structures.
Public interfaceILevelWidths
Table of corresponding levels and widths. Can also be depths and widths.
Public interfaceILinearZeroVariation
Interface that must be implemented by all structures that uses the Linear zero variation approach. The interface allows setting of Delhs at the collection level.
Public interfaceIMinimumHeadlossStructure
Interface that must be implemented by all structures that use a minimum headloss. The interface allows setting of the minimum headloss at the collection level.
Public interfaceINwk11StructureBridge
The Nwk11 bridge is used for reading and writing data from the Mike11 network file.
Public interfaceIOrifice
An orifice is a structure of arbitrary shape, that can include a gate of arbitrary shape.
Public interfaceIOrificeFlowCoefficients
Table of orifice flow coefficients for culvert specification.
Public interfaceIOrificeFlowCoefficientSet
Orifice flow coefficients for one water level. Part of culvert input specification.
Public interfaceIOverFlowFormula
Sluice gate interface
Public interfaceIOverFlowGate
Description of an overflow gate. An overflow gate is in this context a broad crested weir with a rectangular opening.

The over flow gate is a controlable structure. It allows the gate level to be varied.

Public interfaceIPlotableStructure
A group of the structures supports structure plotting. Data associated with the plotting only are defined by this interface.
Public interfaceIPump
Pump parameters.

A pump moves water within the network, with the ability to start and stop a specific water levels

Public interfaceIQhFlowTypeRelation
Relation between depth, critical and flow type.
Public interfaceIQhFlowtypeRelations
Represents a table that ties water depth above culvert inlet at upstream cross section to critical discharge and flow type.
Public interfaceIQHStructure
QHStructure. A simple structure where discharge depends on upstream water level. The discharge is tabulated.
Public interfaceIRadialGate
Description of an overflow gate. An overflow gate is in this context a broad crested weir with a rectangular opening. The over flow gate is a controlable structure. It allows the gate level to be varied.
Public interfaceISideStructure
Optional interface for an IStructure to implement, making it capable of being used as a side structure

A side structure is not put into the reach, but added on side of the reach.

A side structure with reservoir is handled in the engine by adding an additional side structure reach, with a reservoir node (basin) in the other end.

Public interfaceISluiceGate
Sluice gate interface
Public interfaceISolvesEnergyEquation
Interface that must be implemented if the structure solves the energy equation and if the structures are to be part of a parallel structure.
Public interfaceIStormwaterInlet
Storm water inlet data interface.
Public interfaceIStructure
Base interface for all structures.
Public interfaceIStructureCollection
Data access model for the structure module.
Public interfaceIStructureHasPreferredTimeStep
Base interface for all structures.
Public interfaceIStructures
List of structures.

This interface is explicitly defined for supporting COM interop

Public interfaceITabulated
Tabulated structure interface
Public interfaceITimeStructure
A structure that needs to know time.

This is usually required by controllable structures, in order to i.e. close gate, moving the gate with a specified speed.

Public interfaceIUnderFlowGate
Public interfaceIValve
Sluice gate interface
Public interfaceIValvedStructure
Structure with valve regulation. The valve overrules the otherwise calculated flow.
Public interfaceIVillemonteWeir
The VillemonteWeir (Weir formula 1) class describes weir flow modelled with the Villemonte formula.
Public enumerationBridgeSmoothType
Enumeration describing Bridge Table smoothing filer, 0 - no filter, 1-3 different filters, -1 Max filter
Public enumerationBridgeTableType
Enumeration indicating the bridge table type.
Public enumerationBridgeType
Enumeration indicating the bridge type.
Public enumerationCulvertSolverMethods
Ways to solve the energy equations in the culvert
Public enumerationCulvertFlowType
Enumeration for clasification of culvert flow types.
Public enumerationCulvertSectionTypes
Enumeration indicating what flow regime the solution is in.
Public enumerationDamBreakFailureMode
Method of how the dam break evolves
Public enumerationDamBreakFailureTrigger
Method of how to trigger dam break failure
Public enumerationDisCoefType
Enumeration describing Loss factor Ratio Dis Coef Type, 0 - Contraction m = (1-M), 1 - Opening m = M
Public enumerationEnergyLossEnergyLossSolverMethod
Solver methods for the energyloss structure.
Public enumerationEntranceType
Enumeration indicating the bridge entrance type.
Public enumerationErosionFailureModes
Method of how to trigger dam break failure
Public enumerationErosionFlowModes
Method of how to trigger dam break failure
Public enumerationFHWAMode
Public enumerationFlowDir
FlowDir type. Used for readability of the code.
Public enumerationFlowRegimeTypes
Enumeration indicating what flow regime the solution is in.
Public enumerationOverFlowFormulaCrestTypes
Overflow weir crest types
Public enumerationOverflowType
Enumeration indicating the bridge overflow type.
Public enumerationPumpState
State of the pump
Public enumerationPumpType
Type of pump
Public enumerationSideStructureBank
Position of the side structure, on the left or right bank
Public enumerationSpurType
Enumeration indicating the bridge spur type.
Public enumerationStructureTypes
Type of structure
Public enumerationSubmergenceType
Enumeration indicating the bridge UseSubmergence type.
Public enumerationValveType
Valve type.