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SluiceGate Class

Calculation of the flow at operational sluice gates using formulas for four different flow regimes and for overtopping as well.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule (in DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule.dll) Version: (
public class SluiceGate : Gate, ISluiceGate, 
	IGate, IStructure, IDoubleProxy, IQuantityProxy, IPlotableStructure, 

The SluiceGate type exposes the following members.

Public methodSluiceGate
Constructor method for the sluice gate
Public propertyActualGateLevel
Actual gate level. Type: River Structure Geometry Unit: [m] Default: 0

this is not a setup parameter, but a run parameter, which will change during the run (if the gate is controlled). If the gate is not controlled, this can be used to change the gate (manual/user defined control).

(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyCfA
Factor used when calculating Yc for controlled free flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.89
Public propertyCfB
Exponent used when calculating Yc for controlled free flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.17
Public propertyCsA
Factor used when calculating Yc for controlled submerged flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 1.12
Public propertyCsB
Exponent used when calculating Yc for controlled submerged flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.21
Public propertydDischargedDownStreamWaterLevel
Calculated Discharge derivative with DownStreamWaterLevel. Downstream is relative to the direction of chainage. The value is calculated by SetWaterLevels. Unit: [m^2/s]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertydDischargedUpStreamWaterLevel
Calculated Discharge derivative with UpStreamWaterLevel. Upstream is relative to the direction of chainage. The value is calculated by SetWaterLevels. Unit: [m^2/s]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyDelhs
Linear flow variation. For water level differences less than delhs use a linear Q variation between h1-h2=delhs and h1-h2=0. This is to avoid stability problems for small water level differences where dQdh goes to infinity. Unit: [m] Default: 0.01
Public propertyDischarge
Calculated Discharge. The value is calculated by SetWaterLevels. Unit: [m^3/s]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyDownstreamWaterLevel
Downstream water level.Downstream refers to the direction of chainage. The water level is set by use of SetWaterLevels Unit: [m]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyDynamicMaxGateLevel
Controllable maximum gate level
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyDynamicMinGateLevel
Controllable minimum gate level
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyExtensionData
Property used by (de)serializer, when it can not find proper target for a data field. Support of forward compatible data contracts.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyFlowArea
Flow area through structure. Used by most (but not all) structures.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyHeight
The height of the gate. This is used to evaluate if over topping can occur. Type: River Structure Geometry Unit: [m] Default: 0
Public propertyHorizontalOffSetFromMarker2
Value used when plotting the structue Unit: [m] Defualt: 0
Public propertyID
Structure ID
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyIDInUserUnit
Used to get a consistent description of the structure. The ID comes in user units. Used e.g. when reporting errors, warnings and hints.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyImplicit
Flag to control if the structure is implicit or explicit. If the structure is explicit (Implicit == false) then the derivatives of the dicharge are always zero. Default value: true
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyInitialGateLevel
Initial value of the gate level. Type: River Structure Geometry Unit: [m] Default: 0
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyInvertLevelDownstream
Invert level down stream
(Overrides StructureInvertLevelDownstream.)
Public propertyInvertLevelUpstream
Invert level up stream
(Overrides StructureInvertLevelUpstream.)
Public propertyLength
Length of the structure. Unit: [m] Default value: 0m
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyLocation
Location property.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyLowerLimit1
Lower limit between controlled submerged flow and controlled free flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.95
Public propertyLowerLimit2
Lower limit between controlled free flow and uncontrolled submerged flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 1.45
Public propertyLowerLimit3
Lower limit between uncontrolled submerged flow and uncontrolled free flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.6
Public propertyMaxSpeed
The maximum allowed rate of change of the gate level. Type: River Structure Geometry / Time Unit: [m] Default: 0.001
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyMaxValue
Maximum gate level. The gate can not be raised above this level. Type: River Structure Geometry Unit: [m] Default: 0
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyMultiplicator
Multiplicator or "number of structures" of this type. Used for modelling more structures at the same location with the same geometry in one go. Unit: [] Default: 1
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyRunTimeDiagnostics
The getter is used to get a list of errors.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertySideStructureBank
Bank side that side-structure is located on

If side structure contains reservoir, and has the Coordinate set, this is not used (and should be set to Undefined).

(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertySideStructureReservoir
Reservoir at end of side structure. Null if not side structure, or no reservoir is defined
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertySillLevel
Level of the sill of the gate. Type: River Structure Geometry Unit: [m] Default: 0
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyStructureType
Type of structure
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyTopoID
String used to identified cross sections
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyType
Structure type, unique for each structure.
(Overrides StructureType.)
Public propertyUfA
Factor used when calculating Yc for uncontrolled free flow and overtopping flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.77
Public propertyUpperLimit1
Upper limit between controlled submerged flow and controlled free flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 1.05
Public propertyUpperLimit2
Upper limit between controlled free flow and uncontrolled submerged flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 1.55
Public propertyUpperLimit3
Upper limit between uncontrolled submerged flow and uncontrolled free flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.7
Public propertyUpstreamWaterLevel
Upstream water level. Upstream refers to the direction of chainage. The water level is set by use of SetWaterLevels Unit: [m]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyUsA
Factor used when calculating Yc for uncontrolled submerged flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.86
Public propertyUsB
Exponent used when calculating Yc for uncontrolled submerged flow Type: Dimensional factor Unit: [] Default: 0.38
Public propertyUseControlledMaxGateLevel
Use the controllable maximum gate level
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyUseControlledMinGateLevel
Use the controllable minimum gate level
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyUseMaxValue
Flag telling if the maximum gate level specified in _maxValue should be used Type: boolean Unit: [m] Default: false
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyUseMomentumEquation
Flag to de-activate structure completely. If this flag is set, then the momentum equation will be used to set the coefficents in HDStructureGridPoint instead of the structure. The flag is cleared the next time Control() is called.

This is used in HDStructureGridPoint to determine if the structure should be active or or if the coefficients should be set using a HDQGridPoint.

(Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyWidth
Width of the weir opening. Width is perpendicular to the flow direction, i.e. "across the river"
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodAccepts
List of data types that is accepted, i.e., that you can get a ValueSetter for.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodControlClose
Control the gate, close it
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodControlOpen
Control the gate, Open it
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodControlSetGateLevel
Control the gate, set gate level to specified value
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodControlSetMaxLevel
Control the gate, set max gate level to specified value
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodControlSetMinLevel
Control the gate, set min gate level to specified value
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodDescription
Return a string that describes this structure. Includes structure type and ID
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodDispose
Frees the licenses held.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodExplicitStructureSupport
DEBUG: This method is called from Validate() if _implitcit == false to check if the structure supports being Explicit. Once all structures support explicit operation this method can be deleted.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetControlAction
Get control action for the specified id. It always returns one of the ActionControl delegates. It will return null if controlActionId is not valid.
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodGetCurrentValue
Get the current value of the control for the specified id.
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitialize(IStructureCollection, CrossSectionData, Boolean, IDiagnostics)
Set initial gate level and runtime diagnostics.
(Overrides GateInitialize(IStructureCollection, CrossSectionData, Boolean, IDiagnostics).)
Public methodInitialize(IStructureCollection, IBoundaryData, CrossSectionData, Boolean, IDiagnostics)
Set up structure and set runtime diagnostics object
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodOffers
A list of quantities available from this structure
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodPrepare(HDParameterData, IDiagnostics)
Set up structure and set runtime diagnostics object
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodPrepare(DateTime, HDParameterData, IDiagnostics)
Set up structure and set runtime diagnostics object
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodPrepareTimeStep
Prepare structure for time step
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodResetControlledState
Reset internal state (if any) used by controlling class. Called after a controlling class has performed a control sequence, and simulation is restarted.
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodSetControlStrategyId
Set control strategy ID manually.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected methodSetInputWaterLevels (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodSetWaterLevels(Double, Double)
Sets up- and down- stream water level and forces the calculation of the discharge and its derivatives.
(Overrides StructureSetWaterLevels(Double, Double).)
Public methodSetWaterLevels(Double, Double, DateTime) (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected methodSetZeroFlow
Sets the conditions for zero flow
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdatedWaterLevels
After a time step (or iteration) has finished, update the discharge to the actual value, based on the final water levels and the discharge derivatives.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodValidate
Validation of data for a sluice gate.
(Overrides StructureValidate.)
Public methodValueFractionGetter
Get value fraction setter for the specified data quantity
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodValueGetter
Get value setter for the specified data quantity
(Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodValueGetterBoxed
Get value setter for the specified data quantity
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodValueSetter
Get value setter for the specified data type
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodValueSetterBoxed
Get value setter for the specified data type
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_accepts
List of quantities that are accepted
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_actualGateLevel
Gate level. Type: River Structure Geometry Unit: [m] Default: 0
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_controlStategyId
If the structure is being controlled, then _controlStategyId contains the ID of the active control strategy
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_downstreamWaterLevel
Downstream water level, as set by SetWaterLevels(Double, Double) Unit: [m]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_dqdhDownstream
The derivative of flow through the structure with downstream water level. The flow is calculated in the derived classes when the SetWaterLevels method is called. Unit: [m2/sec]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_dqdhUpstream
The derivative of flow through the structure with upstream water level. The flow is calculated in the derived classes when the SetWaterLevels method is called. Unit: [m2/sec]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_dynamicMaxGateLevel
Controllable minimum gate level
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_dynamicMinGateLevel
Controllable maximum gate level
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_flowArea
Flow area through structure. Used by most (but not all) structures.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_flowDir
FlowDir is used to determine which parameters to use for the flow calculations. Derived by the SetWaterLevels(Double, Double).
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_id
Identification name of the structure
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_implicit
If _implicit == false, then the derivatives are always zero. Default value: true.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_initialGateLevel
Initial value of the gate level. Type: River Structure Geometry Unit: [m] Default: 0
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_location
Location in the network
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_maxSpeed
The maximum allowed rate of change of the gate level. Type: River Structure Geometry / Time Unit: [m] Default: 0.001
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_maxValue
Maximum gate level. The gate can not be raised above this level. Type: River Structure Geometry Unit: [m] Default: 0
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_multiplicator
Multiplicator or "number of structures" of this type. Used for modelling more structures at the same location with the same geometry in one go. Unit: [] Default: 1
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_offers
List of quantities that are offered
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_previousGateLevel
Previous gate level. Used when control is active, to assure the correct speed of the gate.
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_q
Flow through the structure. The flow is calculated in the derived classes when the SetWaterLevels method is called. Unit: [m3/sec]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_runTimeDiagnostics
Diagnostics are written into this Diagnostics during calculations. Set during [!:Initialize(DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule.CrossSectionData,bool,DHI.Mike1D.Generic.IDiagnostics)]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_sillLevel
Level of the sill of the gate.
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_timeOfPreviousGateLevelChange
Time of previous gate level change
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_topoID
Identification used to find referenced cross sections
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_upstreamWaterLevel
Upstream water level, as set by SetWaterLevels(Double, Double) Unit: [m]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_useDynamicMaxGateLevel
Use the controllable maximum gate level
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_useDynamicMinGateLevel
Use the controllable minimum gate level
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_useMaxValue
Flag telling if the maximum gate level specified in _maxValue should be used Type: boolean Unit: [m] Default: false
(Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_width
Width of the weir opening. Width is perpendicular to the flow direction, i.e. "across the river"
(Inherited from Gate.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodDescription
Returns the description of the structure, if it is an Structure, otherwise id + type
(Defined by StructureExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetter

From the proxy, return an IDoubleGetter for the specified quantity.

It returns the first quantity of that type that is offered, and null if the quantity is not offered.

(Defined by ProxyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetters
Returns a set of IDoubleGetter for the quantity. We can return several quantities with the same id (usually they will differ in their description). If the quantity is not offerent, an empty list is returned.
(Defined by ProxyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGettersFraction
Returns a set of IDoubleGetter for the quantity. We can return several quantities with the same id (usually they will differ in their description). If the quantity is not offerent, an empty list is returned.
(Defined by ProxyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetterUnboxed

From the proxy, return an IDoubleGetter for the specified quantity.

It returns the first quantity of that type that is offered, and null if the quantity is not offered.

(Defined by ProxyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInitialize(CrossSectionData, Boolean, IDiagnostics)Overloaded.
Helper function for some unit tests. Do not use.
(Defined by StructureExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInitialize(BoundaryData, CrossSectionData, Boolean, IDiagnostics)Overloaded.
Helper function for some unit tests. Do not use.
(Defined by StructureExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsSideStructure
Returns true if the structure is a side structure
(Defined by StructureExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetter

From the proxy, return an IDoubleGetSet for the specified quantity.

It returns the first quantity of that type that is accepted, and null if the quantity is not accepted.

(Defined by ProxyExtensions.)
See Also