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Pump Fields

The Pump type exposes the following members.

Protected field_accepts
List of quantities that are accepted
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_controlStategyId
If the structure is being controlled, then _controlStategyId contains the ID of the active control strategy
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_downstreamWaterLevel
Downstream water level, as set by SetWaterLevels(Double, Double) Unit: [m]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_dqdhDownstream
The derivative of flow through the structure with downstream water level. The flow is calculated in the derived classes when the SetWaterLevels method is called. Unit: [m2/sec]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_dqdhUpstream
The derivative of flow through the structure with upstream water level. The flow is calculated in the derived classes when the SetWaterLevels method is called. Unit: [m2/sec]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_flowArea
Flow area through structure. Used by most (but not all) structures.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_flowDir
FlowDir is used to determine which parameters to use for the flow calculations. Derived by the SetWaterLevels(Double, Double).
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_id
Identification name of the structure
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_implicit
If _implicit == false, then the derivatives are always zero. Default value: true.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_location
Location in the network
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_offers
List of quantities that are offered
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_q
Flow through the structure. The flow is calculated in the derived classes when the SetWaterLevels method is called. Unit: [m3/sec]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_runTimeDiagnostics
Diagnostics are written into this Diagnostics during calculations. Set during [!:Initialize(DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule.CrossSectionData,bool,DHI.Mike1D.Generic.IDiagnostics)]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_topoID
Identification used to find referenced cross sections
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_upstreamWaterLevel
Upstream water level, as set by SetWaterLevels(Double, Double) Unit: [m]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Public fieldMaxPumpDischargeDownstream
Delegate to access the volume available for pumping downstream. Used when UseSuppressionFactor is false. For structure reaches, this is calculated in the downstream node, else it's calculated in the downstream, h-point.
Public fieldMaxPumpDischargeUpstream
Delegate to access the volume available for pumping upstream. Used when UseSuppressionFactor is false. For structure reaches, this is calculated in the upstream node, else it's calculated in the upstream, h-point.
Public fieldPreviousDischarge
Previous discharge across the pump

If not set, the previous discharge will be not taking the water level derivatives into account.

Public fieldPumpSuppressionFactorDownstream
Delegate to access a pump suppresion factor for flows coming from downstream. Used in M11 simulations to reduce discharge through pump at low water levels. Not used in MIKE URBAN simulations.
Public fieldPumpSuppressionFactorUpstream
Delegate to access a pump suppresion factor for flows coming from upstream. Used in M11 simulations to reduce discharge through pump at low water levels. Not used in MIKE URBAN simulations.
See Also