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IDiagnostics Interface

Interface for communication of Errors, Warnings and Hints It also includes a tree like strukture of IDiagnostics, called Children, to be able to handle the diagnostics in a stack-trace manner. Whenever a new issue is added, the DiagnosticsEvent is triggered on the IDiagnostics self and all its parents.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic (in DHI.Mike1D.Generic.dll) Version: (
public interface IDiagnostics

The IDiagnostics type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChildren
Implements a recursive tree like structure of IDiagnostics
Public propertyErrorCountRecursive
The number of errors in this Diagnostics and its children
Public propertyErrors
Get a list of errors in this diagnostics
Public propertyErrorsRecursive
Get a list of all errors, also from child diagnostics
Public propertyHintCountRecursive
The number of hints in this Diagnostics and its children
Public propertyHints
Get a list of all hints
Public propertyHintsRecursive
Get a list of all errors
Public propertyIssueCount
The number of issues in this diagnostics
Public propertyIssueCountRecursive
The number of issues in this Diagnostics and its children
Public propertyName
Name/id of Diagnostics. Can be null/empty string.
Public propertyParent
Get the parent diagnostics - null if not parent is defined
Public propertySource
Source object that created the diagnostics
Public propertySourceDescription
Description of Diagnostics source. Can be null/empty string. Can contain values that requires unit conversion.
Public propertyWarningCountRecursive
The number of warnings in this Diagnostics and its children
Public propertyWarnings
Get a list of warnings in this diagnostics
Public propertyWarningsRecursive
Get a list of all errors
Public methodAddChild
Add a child diagnostics to the diagnostics tree. Sets the parent of the child.
Public methodAppend
Append errors, warnings and hints from input diagnostics to this diagnostics
Public methodClear
Clear diagnostics, all errors, warnings and hints.
Public methodClearIssuesRecursive
Remove Errors, hints, and warnings from the diagnostics and all child diagnostics
Public methodError
Add an error DiagnosticItem
Public methodHint
Add a hint DiagnosticItem
Public methodIsParent
Return true of diagnostics is parent or parent's parent
Public methodRuntimeError(IDiagnosticItem)
Add an error DiagnosticItem, and throw an exception
Public methodRuntimeError(IDiagnosticItem, Exception)
Add an error DiagnosticItem, and throw an exception
Public methodWarning
Add a warning DiagnosticItem
Public eventDiagnosticsEvent
The event which is called when a diagnostics event is encountered.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodError
Add an error to the diagnostics item.
(Defined by GenericExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodExceptionToError
Add an error DiagnosticItem, and throw an exception
(Defined by GenericExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodRuntimeError
Add an error DiagnosticItem, and throw an exception
(Defined by GenericExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWarning
Add a warning message
(Defined by GenericExtensions.)
See Also