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IDiagnostics Properties

The IDiagnostics type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChildren
Implements a recursive tree like structure of IDiagnostics
Public propertyErrorCountRecursive
The number of errors in this Diagnostics and its children
Public propertyErrors
Get a list of errors in this diagnostics
Public propertyErrorsRecursive
Get a list of all errors, also from child diagnostics
Public propertyHintCountRecursive
The number of hints in this Diagnostics and its children
Public propertyHints
Get a list of all hints
Public propertyHintsRecursive
Get a list of all errors
Public propertyIssueCount
The number of issues in this diagnostics
Public propertyIssueCountRecursive
The number of issues in this Diagnostics and its children
Public propertyName
Name/id of Diagnostics. Can be null/empty string.
Public propertyParent
Get the parent diagnostics - null if not parent is defined
Public propertySource
Source object that created the diagnostics
Public propertySourceDescription
Description of Diagnostics source. Can be null/empty string. Can contain values that requires unit conversion.
Public propertyWarningCountRecursive
The number of warnings in this Diagnostics and its children
Public propertyWarnings
Get a list of warnings in this diagnostics
Public propertyWarningsRecursive
Get a list of all errors
See Also