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VillemonteWeir Fields

The VillemonteWeir type exposes the following members.

Protected field_accepts
List of quantities that are accepted
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_controlStategyId
If the structure is being controlled, then _controlStategyId contains the ID of the active control strategy
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_downstreamWaterLevel
Downstream water level, as set by SetWaterLevels(Double, Double) Unit: [m]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_dqdhDownstream
The derivative of flow through the structure with downstream water level. The flow is calculated in the derived classes when the SetWaterLevels method is called. Unit: [m2/sec]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_dqdhUpstream
The derivative of flow through the structure with upstream water level. The flow is calculated in the derived classes when the SetWaterLevels method is called. Unit: [m2/sec]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_flowArea
Flow area through structure. Used by most (but not all) structures.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_flowDir
FlowDir is used to determine which parameters to use for the flow calculations. Derived by the SetWaterLevels(Double, Double).
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_id
Identification name of the structure
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_implicit
If _implicit == false, then the derivatives are always zero. Default value: true.
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_location
Location in the network
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_offers
List of quantities that are offered
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_q
Flow through the structure. The flow is calculated in the derived classes when the SetWaterLevels method is called. Unit: [m3/sec]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_runTimeDiagnostics
Diagnostics are written into this Diagnostics during calculations. Set during [!:Initialize(DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule.CrossSectionData,bool,DHI.Mike1D.Generic.IDiagnostics)]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_topoID
Identification used to find referenced cross sections
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_upstreamWaterLevel
Upstream water level, as set by SetWaterLevels(Double, Double) Unit: [m]
(Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_valveType
Type of the valve Default: None
(Inherited from ValvedStructure.)
See Also