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Basin Properties

The Basin type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBottomLevel
Bottom level Unit: [m] Default: 0
(Inherited from VolumeNode.)
Public propertyCover
Reference to the cover of the manhole. The cover is of type INormalCover, ISealedCover or ISpillingCover that are all derived from ICover
(Inherited from SewerNode.)
Public propertyCriticalLevel
Used in result presentation. Passed directly to the result file. Unit: [m] Default: 0
(Inherited from VolumeNode.)
Public propertyGeometry
Basin geometry, with water level, flow area, and surface area data
Public propertyGroundLevel
Level of ground at the node. Unit: [m] Default: 0
(Inherited from VolumeNode.)
Public propertyHeadLossParameterSet
Head loss parameters for this particular node.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyId
Node textual identification
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyInfiltrationParameters
Infiltration parameters
Public propertyIsClosed

Flag indicating if basin is closed.

If the basin is closed, then surface area is not restricted to be monotonically increasing.

Open basins counts in flooded area.

Default is closed.

Public propertyMaxInflowFromSurface
Maximum inflow from surface, i.e. rainfall runoff type inflows.

The node inflow from surface can be limited by the surface opening, a sewer grate or similar.

Unit: [m3/s]. Default: Double.MaxValue

(Inherited from VolumeNode.)
Public propertyPorosity
The porosity is the ratio of empty air in that basin. Empty basins will have porosity = 1 (default)
Public propertyPressureReachNodeType
Type of pressure reach node, used for pressurized sections of the network. Default: None
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyPressureReachTailCrestLevel
Minimum water level in the outflow from pressurized sections, and hence also minimum water level in the pressurized section

Only applicable when PressureReachNodeType is Tail.

Unit: [m]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyXCoordinate
X-coordinate Unit: [m] Default: Constants.DOUBLE_DELETE_VALUE
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyYCoordinate
Y-coordinate Unit: [m] Default: Constants.DOUBLE_DELETE_VALUE
(Inherited from Node.)
See Also