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LIDLayerStorage Properties

The LIDLayerStorage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCloggingFactor
Volume of voids that are clogged due to fine particles accumulation.

Use a value of 0 to ignore clogging

Public propertyConductivity
Infiltration rate, The maximum rate at which water can flow out the bottom of the storage.

In case a CloggingFactor has been enabled, the rate declines over time.

Default value: 0. Unit: [m/s].

Public propertyDepth
Depth of storage [m]. State variable
Public propertyDrain
Drain flux from storage [m/s].
Public propertyDrainageBase
Drainage capacity is a rate per area [m/s] and can be scaled by different areas.
Public propertyDrainageCapacity
Capacity for drain [m/s]

The actual drain flow depends on the Area.

If DrainageExponent > 0, then drain flow also depends on the head.

Default value: 0. Unit: [meter/second].

Public propertyDrainageExponent
Exponent for drain flow calculations [-]

The drain capacity flow is multiplied with

Math.Pow(head, DrainageExponent)

If DrainageExponent is zero, then drain flow is constant and independent on the head.

Default value: 0. Unit: [-].

Public propertyDrainageOffset
Offset where drainage starts.

Height of any underdrain piping above the bottom of the storage

Default value: 0. Unit: [meter].

Public propertyEvap
Evaporation flux from storage [m/s].
Public propertyHeight
Height of storage layer

Default value: 0. Unit: [meter].

Public propertyInfil
Infiltration flux from storage [m/s].
Public propertyPorosity
Storage porosity; void volume fraction of total volume.
Public propertyVolume
Volume of water per area [m] contained in storage
See Also