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IAbstractLocationSourceBoundary Methods

The IAbstractLocationSourceBoundary type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetAccumulatedValue(DateTime, DateTime)
Get accumulated value for this source at the given time span
(Inherited from IBoundarySource.)
Public methodGetAccumulatedValue(Int32, DateTime, DateTime)
Get accumulated value for component at given index at the given time span
(Inherited from IBoundarySource.)
Public methodGetNextTransitionTime
Gets the next time for which there is a different value in the boundary source.
(Inherited from IBoundarySource.)
Public methodGetScaleFactor(String)
Get the scale factor for a given NodeLocation
Public methodGetScaleFactor(ILocation)
Get the scale factor for a given PointLocation
Public methodGetValue(DateTime)
Get value for this source at the given time
(Inherited from IBoundarySource.)
Public methodGetValue(Int32, DateTime)
Get value for component at given at the given time
(Inherited from IBoundarySource.)
Public methodGetValueWithoutDWF
Get value for this source at the given time excluding items marked as dry weather flow
(Inherited from IBoundarySource.)
Public methodPrepare
Prepare source.
(Inherited from IBoundarySource.)
Public methodSetScaleFactor(String, Double, IDiagnostics)
Set the scale factor for a NodeLocation. By default all scale factors are 1.0.
Public methodSetScaleFactor(ILocation, Double, IDiagnostics)
Set the scale factor for a PointLocation. By default all scale factors are 1.0.
Public methodValidate
Validate whether this source is correctly setup
(Inherited from IBoundarySource.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodFindTimeNextValue
Findes the time where the boundary source has a value that is non-zero. The time interval is within the provided limits.
(Defined by BoundaryExtensions.)
See Also