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ICulvert Properties

The ICulvert type exposes the following members.

Public propertydDischargedDownStreamWaterLevel
Calculated Discharge derivative with UpStreamWaterLevel. Upstream is relative to the direction of chainage. Unit: [m^2/s]
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertydDischargedUpStreamWaterLevel
Calculated Discharge derivative with DownStreamWaterLevel. Downstream is relative to the direction of chainage. Unit: [m^2/s]
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyDelhs
Level from where the variation is forced to be linear.
(Inherited from ILinearZeroVariation.)
Public propertyDischarge
Calculated Discharge Unit: [m^3/s]
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyDownstreamInvertLevel
The invert level downstream. Unit: [m]
Public propertyDownstreamWaterLevel
Downstream water level.Downstream refers to the direction of chainge. The water level is set by use of SetWaterLevels Unit: [m]
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyGeometry
Class describing the geometry of the culvert section
Public propertyHeadLossBendsNegativeFlow
Bends head loss factor for negative flow. Unit: []
Public propertyHeadLossBendsPositiveFlow
Bends head loss factor for positive flow. Unit: []
Public propertyHeadLossFreeOverflowNegativeFlow
Free overflow factor for negative flow.
(Inherited from IHeadLossStructure.)
Public propertyHeadLossFreeOverflowPositiveFlow
Free overflow factor for positive flow.
(Inherited from IHeadLossStructure.)
Public propertyHeadLossInflowNegativeFlow
Inflow head loss factor for negative flow.
(Inherited from IHeadLossStructure.)
Public propertyHeadLossInflowPositiveFlow
Inflow head loss factor for positive flow.
(Inherited from IHeadLossStructure.)
Public propertyHeadLossOutflowNegativeFlow
Outflow head loss factor for negative flow.
(Inherited from IHeadLossStructure.)
Public propertyHeadLossOutflowPositiveFlow
Outflow head loss factor for positive flow.
(Inherited from IHeadLossStructure.)
Public propertyHorizontalOffSetFromMarker2
Horizontal offset of the structures compared to its limiting cross sections.
(Inherited from IPlotableStructure.)
Public propertyHydraulicParameters
Hydraulic parameters for the given geometry.
Public propertyID
Name of the structure.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyIDInUserUnit Obsolete.
Used to get a consistent description of the structure. The ID comes in user units. Used e.g. when reporting errors, warnings and hints.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyImplicit
Flag to control if the structure is implicit or explicit. If the structure is explicit (Implicit == false) then the derivatives of the dicharge are always zero. Default value: true
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyInvertLevelDownstream
Invert level down stream The invert level is the level where water starts flowing in to the structure from the downstream side. It does not necessarily flow through the structure.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyInvertLevelUpstream
Invert level up stream. The invert level is the level where water starts flowing in to the structure from the upstream side. It does not necessarily flow through the structure.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyLength
Length of the culvert. Unit: [m] Default: 0
Public propertyLocation
Location of structure.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyMannings_n
Mannings n. Unit: [s/m^(1/3)]
Public propertyMultiplicator
Multiplicator or "number of culverts". Used for modelling more culverts in one go. Unit: [] Default: 1
Public propertyOrificeFlowCoefficientsNegativeFlow
Orifice flow coefficients for negative flow
Public propertyOrificeFlowCoefficientsPositiveFlow
Orifice flow coefficients for positive flow
Public propertyPartOfCompositeFlow
Part of the flow in a parallel strucutre that passes through this structure.
(Inherited from ISolvesEnergyEquation.)
Public propertyQhFlowtypeRelationsNegativeFlow
Q/h relations for negative flow
Public propertyQhFlowtypeRelationsPositiveFlow
Q/h relations for positive flow
Public propertyRunTimeDiagnostics
The getter is used to get a list of errors. OBSOLETE
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertySideStructureBank
Bank side that side-structure is located on

If side structure contains reservoir, and has the Coordinate set, this is not used (and should be set to Undefined).

(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertySideStructureReservoir
Reservoir at end of side structure. Null if not side structure, or no reservoir is defined
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyStructureIterationCentering
Used when making relaxation when iterating to find the subcritical solution for structures solved using the energy equation. When it equals 1 no relaxation is made.
(Inherited from IHeadLossStructure.)
Public propertyStructureType
Type of structure
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyTopoID
TopoID used when structure is searching for neighbouring cross sections in the reach.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyType
Structure type, unique for each type of structure.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyUpstreamInvertLevel
The invert level upstream. Unit: [m] Default: 0
Public propertyUpstreamWaterLevel
Upstream water level. Upstream refers to the direction of chainage. The water level is set by use of SetWaterLevels Unit: [m]
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyValve
Type of valve giving the direction of flow that is possible.
(Inherited from IValvedStructure.)
See Also