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DataItemVectorProxySource Fields

The Mike1DResultDataFactoryDataItemVectorProxySource type exposes the following members.

Protected field_indexList
List with indexes
(Inherited from DataItem.)
Protected field_itemId
Item Id
(Inherited from DataItem.)
Protected field_itemTypeGroup
Item type group
(Inherited from DataItem.)
Protected field_numberWithinGroup
Index within group
(Inherited from DataItem.)
Protected field_quantity
Data quantity
(Inherited from DataItem.)
Protected field_sources
Double getter used to access sources
Protected field_sourcesFrac
Double getter used to access sources
Protected field_timeData
Data at time steps in vector case
(Inherited from DataItem.)
Protected field_values
Protected field_vectorData
Flag indicating if data item contains vector data or single value data
(Inherited from DataItem.)
See Also