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DHI.Mike1D.Mike1DDataAccess Namespace

Public classAbstractMike1DController
An abstract base controller class.

It handles everything related to the ControllerEvent an delegates the real work on to the derived classes in the DoXXX methods.

Public classControlDataXmlBridge
Bridge for reading/writing control data to xml.
Public classControllerCreatedEventArgs
Class containing event data for the controller created event.
Public classControllerEventArgs
Class containing event data for the controller event.
Public classHDPipeDesignData
Data class for pipe design data
Public classHDPipeDesignOptimizationItem
Contains item to optimize
Public classHDPipeDesignOptimizationReach
Pipe design reach. The Control() method sets the Manning number of the _first_ XS in the underlying EngineReach. In MU setups, the cross section is shared between all points in the underlying reach, so in MU setups the Manning number of the whole reach will be controlled.
Public classLongTermStatisticsData
Public classLongTermStatisticsDataXmlBridge
Bridge class for reading lont term statistics data to/from xml
Public classLTSEventList
List of LTS events. An event is a set of values with a time stamp. This class is abstract, and the calculation of the values in the events is performed in the purely abstract function Update().
Protected classLTSEventListEvent
An LTS event start time and values
Public classLTSEventListAnnualIntegrated
An event list that calculates the total integrated value over time. The value is taken from the DDoubleGetter in Getter.
Public classLTSEventListDuration
An event list that calculates the total integrated value over time. The value is taken from the DDoubleGetter in Getter.
Public classLTSEventListIntegrated
An event list that calculates the total integrated value over time. The value is taken from the DDoubleGetter in Getter.
Public classLTSEventListMax
An event list that calculates the maximum value. The value is taken from the DDoubleGetter in Getter.
Public classLTSEventListTotalIntegratedDischargeOut
An event list that calculates the total integrated value over time. The value is taken from the DDoubleGetter in Getter.
Public classLTSInitialCondition
LTSInitialCondition hold hot start information for the individual jobs in the LTS simulation
Public classLTSJobCondition
Public classLTSJobStartCondition
Public classLTSJobStopCondition
Public classLTSResultSpecification
Result specification of LTS results
Public classLTSResultSpecificationItem
Public classLTSRuntimeStopCondition
Public classLTSRuntimeStopConditionCollection
Holds a list of LTSRuntimeStopCondition's that must all be satisfied for a job to stop (the LTSRuntimeStopConditions in the collection are combined with the logical "and" operator).
Public classMike1DAdditionalBridge
Bridge for reading the .m1da file, Mike 1D Additional setup file.
Public classMike1DBridge
Common class for loading MIKE 1D setup from various known types of storages.

Currently supporting MIKE 11 (sim11), MIKE URBAN databases (mdb/gdb), MIKE HYDRO (mhydro) and MIKE 1D (m1dx).

Public classMike1DBridgeCollection
Collection of MIKE 1D bridges, IMike1DBridge.

Register a new bridge by calling AddBridge(String, String, IMike1DBridgeFactory)

Public classMike1DControlDataFactory
Factory that sets up and connects the control module with the engine net.
Public classMike1DController
The Mike1DController is the entry point for an HD simulation, including any enabled modules (Rainfall runoff, AD, Control etc.)

It links the simulation setup with the actual engine setup. It controls initialization, start, stop and finalization of the engine.

Public classMike1DControllerFactory
Factory class for creating IMike1DController.

The controller can either be created based on the content of Mike1DData, or from a IConnection, in which case the data will also be loaded.

The factory handles log files. By default a new log is created every time a new controller is created, and the log file is closed when the controller finishes. You can disable log files by setting DisableLogFile and if you want to reuse a log file for several controllers (append to it), set manually your own LogFileWriter.

Public classMike1DControllerLTS
The Mike1DControllerLTS is the entry point for a Long Term Statistics simulation. It controls initialization, start, stop and finalization of the engine.
Public classMike1DControllerRRCalibrate
The Mike1DController is the entry point for automatic RR calibration.

It will loop through all catchments that has auto calibration enabled, and calibrate each of these individually. When the controller is done, it will update the catchment parameters to contain the optimal parameters.

Public classMike1DData
Class that collects all DataAccess components in one place.
Public classMike1DDataXmlBridge
Bridge class for saving MIKE 1D data to XML, handling reading/writing the .m1dx file.

For loading a full setup, use the Mike1DBridge.

Public classMike1DLogFileWriter
Log file writer for MIKE 1D engine.

Call Prepare to open the logfile. If prepare is not called, all writing to the logfile is ignored silently.

Public classMike1DResultDataFactory
Factory that sets up an IResultData to retrieve values from an EngineNet
Public classMike1DResultDataFactoryDataItemVectorProxySource
A IDataItem that can update itself based on an IDoubleVectorGetter
Public classProgressWriter
Write progress to standard out
Public structureLTSJob
A SimulationEvent describes one of a series of simulations that are performed during the total runtime of the Long Term Simulation. A SimulationEvent is the same as am LTS "job" in MU terms.
Public interfaceIMike1DBridge
Bridge interface, for loading a MIKE 1D setup from storage.
Public interfaceIMike1DBridgeFactory
Factory class for creating IMike1DBridge, used by Mike1DBridge loader: You can register your own bridge using Mike1DBridgeCollection
Public interfaceIMike1DController
The IMike1DController is the starting point for controlling and running a simulation. Depending on the underlying data components, the controller may do different things. Different data controllers may also do different things on the same data components. The following are examples of controllers:
  • HD controller: runs an HD simulation, including add ons (rainfall runoff, AD etc.)
  • RR controller: runs an RR simulation.
  • RR calibration controller: runs an RR calibration.
  • LTS controller: runs a LTS (Long Term Statistics) HD simulation.
Public interfaceIMike1DMUBridge
Special interface for loading MIKE URBAN data into MIKE 1D within the MIKE URBAN GUI.
Public interfaceIMike1DPlugin Obsolete.
Interface for a MIKE 1D Plugin.
Public enumerationControllerState
State of controller
Public enumerationEventListSortType
LTS sort type, when writing results to PFS file, whether to sort on time or on value.
Public enumerationHDPipeDesignIOUnits
Units of pipe design in/output
Public enumerationHDPipeDesignOptimizationCriteriaType
Pipe design criteria type
Public enumerationHDPipeDesignOptimizationGroupType
Pipe design reach group type
Public enumerationHDPipeDesignOptimizationType
The type of optmization to perform
Public enumerationLTSConditionTypes
Public enumerationLTSNetworkLocationTypes
Type of network locations
Public enumerationLTSReachLocationTypes
Public enumerationLTSResultType
Type of LTS results
Public enumerationResultSpecificationTypes
Type of result to create default result specifications for. Used in GetDefaultResultSpecification(ResultSpecificationTypes)