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IStormwaterInlet Methods

The IStormwaterInlet type exposes the following members.

Public methodAccepts
List of data types that is accepted, i.e., that you can get a ValueSetter for.
(Inherited from IQuantityProxy.)
Public methodAddQQRelation
Add a QQ relation for the specified slope. Must be added in order of increasing slope.
Public methodClearQQRelations
Clear all QQ Relations
Public methodInitialize(IStructureCollection, CrossSectionData, Boolean, IDiagnostics) Obsolete.
Set up structure and set runtime diagnostics object
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public methodInitialize(IStructureCollection, IBoundaryData, CrossSectionData, Boolean, IDiagnostics)
Set up structure and set runtime diagnostics object
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public methodOffers
List of data types that is offered, i.e., that you can get a ValueGetter for.
(Inherited from IQuantityProxy.)
Public methodPrepare
Set up structure and set runtime diagnostics object
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public methodSetWaterLevels
Sets up- and down- stream water level and forces the calculation of the discharge and its derivatives.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public methodUpdatedWaterLevels
After a time step (or iteration) has finished, update the discharge to the actual value, based on the final water levels and the discharge derivatives.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public methodValidate
Writes errors, warnings and hints into their respective member classes. The member objects are initially cleared.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public methodValueFractionGetter
Get value setter for the specified data quantity
(Inherited from IDoubleProxy.)
Public methodValueGetter
Get value setter for the specified data quantity
(Inherited from IDoubleProxy.)
Public methodValueGetterBoxed
Get value setter for the specified data quantity
(Inherited from IDoubleProxy.)
Public methodValueSetter
Get value setter for the specified data type
(Inherited from IDoubleProxy.)
Public methodValueSetterBoxed
Get value setter for the specified data type
(Inherited from IDoubleProxy.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodDescription
Returns the description of the structure, if it is an Structure, otherwise id + type
(Defined by StructureExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetter

From the proxy, return an IDoubleGetter for the specified quantity.

It returns the first quantity of that type that is offered, and null if the quantity is not offered.

(Defined by ProxyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetters
Returns a set of IDoubleGetter for the quantity. We can return several quantities with the same id (usually they will differ in their description). If the quantity is not offerent, an empty list is returned.
(Defined by ProxyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGettersFraction
Returns a set of IDoubleGetter for the quantity. We can return several quantities with the same id (usually they will differ in their description). If the quantity is not offerent, an empty list is returned.
(Defined by ProxyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetterUnboxed

From the proxy, return an IDoubleGetter for the specified quantity.

It returns the first quantity of that type that is offered, and null if the quantity is not offered.

(Defined by ProxyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInitialize(CrossSectionData, Boolean, IDiagnostics)Overloaded.
Helper function for some unit tests. Do not use.
(Defined by StructureExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInitialize(BoundaryData, CrossSectionData, Boolean, IDiagnostics)Overloaded.
Helper function for some unit tests. Do not use.
(Defined by StructureExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsSideStructure
Returns true if the structure is a side structure
(Defined by StructureExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetter

From the proxy, return an IDoubleGetSet for the specified quantity.

It returns the first quantity of that type that is accepted, and null if the quantity is not accepted.

(Defined by ProxyExtensions.)
See Also