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Mike1DControllerLTS Fields

The Mike1DControllerLTS type exposes the following members.

Protected field_engineNet
(Inherited from AbstractMike1DController.)
Protected field_engineNetGlobal
Global (entire) EngineNet. Used when decomposing setup into several domains, where this contains the full EngineNet
(Inherited from AbstractMike1DController.)
Protected field_mike1DData
MIKE 1D data object
(Inherited from AbstractMike1DController.)
Protected field_resultDataList
Active result data objects
(Inherited from AbstractMike1DController.)
Protected field_runtimeDiagnostics
Diagnostics object used during runtime
(Inherited from AbstractMike1DController.)
Protected field_state
Current state of controller
(Inherited from AbstractMike1DController.)
Protected field_suppressUnknownExceptions
Flag indicating whether to suppress unknown exception.
(Inherited from AbstractMike1DController.)
Protected field_timings
Timings used in controller
(Inherited from AbstractMike1DController.)
Protected field_timingsRun
Timings used during runtime
(Inherited from Mike1DController.)
Public fieldMaxNumberOfThreadsUser
Maximum number of threads, set by the user.
(Inherited from Mike1DController.)
See Also